How are YOU going to bring about real change if you do not exactly know what is wrong?

Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Genetics, Biotech News
By Mehmet KurtkayaLast update February 4, 2017
You decide, whether the below recent tech developments are scary or positive! Would you want banker owned governments (capitalism) to use them against you? Or any government who does not work for the people ?
Both public and government oversight is absolutely necessary in technology!
Robots will take over UK skyscaper construction soon! September 29, 2016Do-evil-but-stealth-evil Google's robot dogs and Skynet robot:
Google's Terrifying Skynet Robot
Google's robotic dog encounters a real dog
A real cockroach turned into a remote controlled robot! Humans next? Nah, There is always the TV
Will robots take people's jobs? Survey Result
They do: Chinese company replaces humans with robots and production skyrockets and mistakes disappear ,
New KFC restaurant run entirely by robots
They are fired: Chinese robot waiters fired after spilling drinks, malfunctioning
After fast food workers, robots are coming after these jobs
Robots are a big threat to low and middle skilled workers
What happens after robots take our jobs
World's second biggest mining company unveils robot trucks
China's Foxconn which manufactures Apple parts, replaces 60000 workers with robots
Adidas returns home from Asia, with robot factory! Sorry, no job for you.
McDonalds CEO: It is cheaper to buy robots than pay minimum wage May 25, 2016
Less competition more monopolies: Automation does not only destroy jobs but profits too
Very strong micro robots move car!
Robots to build bridge in Amsterdam
Better than a Samurai
Robot Cheetah
Robots with feelings
Farm Robots are Here! August 14, 2016
Barista Robots in San Francisco February 4, 2017
Some people are spookier than robots: Some overjoyed after fondling sex robots
Robot dog funerals in Japan
Robots fix street lights
Robot afterlife
3.5 million truckers in the US may lose their jobs because of self-driving trucksWorld's second largest hedge fund shifts strategy towards Artificial Inteligence
Automated Software Spreading Disinformation
Artificially Intelligent Lawyer Ross Has Been Hired By Its First Official Law Firm
Robots Learn to cut through clutter
New Robots in Germany feel pain
Russian Scientists work on an artificial brain
Biocomputers are here and they handle complex calculations
Artificial Intelligence writing novels
The easiest work for AI: Artificial intelligence writing political speeches
Outrageous claim by a scientist: Teen will soon lose their virginity to sex robots!
Artificially intelligent judge can predict court decisions with high accuracy October 28, 2016
Synthetic human genome, made in lab
Skin to eye cell transplant
Nano cancer treatment
Matrix style memory prosthesis to supercharge brain Forgetting no more. Is it good or bad?
Termincal cancer in mice treated with nanotech
Storing digital data on DNA
BBC's mind controlled remote or remote controlled mind?
Erasing Memories in mice Not needed. George Carlin's United States of Alzheimer joke comes to mind
Seeing through walls now made possible Airport screening (TSA) offers free public colonoscopy service, so what?
Magical tree with 40 different fruits
NASA discovers life components