Fighting the Zionist in a civic setting: Criminal Building in Turkey
Since 2020, I have been complaining about major legal violations in the building I live in, particularly those concerning structural safety. These violations were driven by money and self-interest, perpetrated by the building manager, his family, and 9 out of the 11 apartment owners, which later became 10 out of 11. I warned them in writing multiple times on the WhatsApp apartment group, but instead of addressing the issues, they doubled down on their actions every single time. Mikael Yardim, the manager, used an old Turkish military entrance card to continue his illegal activities.
In Istanbul, the probability of a major earthquake by 2030 is as high as 60%, according to top seismologists. The building is located in Moda, one of riskiest areas of Istanbul with old substandart buildings, but also it is one of the more affluent neighboorhoods. Yet, due to greed, most of the owners do not want to reconstruct their building. Many rent out their apartments, putting their tenants at risk.
After the devastating earthquake in Turkey on March 8, 2023, I contacted the Kadikoy Istanbul Municipality for a building safety inspection. The official report, which required the building to provide a University Report within a month to allow residency, was covered up by the municipality. Despite demolishing illegal constructions in 5 apartments, the municipality continued to illegally dismiss its own official building safety report.
On December 1, 2023, I filed a criminal complaint. The next business day, those in the apartment building who I named as suspects in my evidence files, my sister who I briefly mentioned briefly regarding her interest in the building but did not name as a suspect, contacted the District Attorney to seek my placement into conservatorship. The Turkish State not only dismissed my complaint but also accepted the suspects' and their collaborators' case against me, thereby putting my life at risk and infringing upon my most basic human rights of freedom and ownership.
At the hands of the Zionist, a banal, routine job of building management was turned into a tool of unlawful wealth extraction that puts people's lives at risk. A standard building safety inspection by the Istanbul Kadikoy Municipality became a struggle for safety and justice. Finally, an obviously just, fully-documented criminal complaint was turned into a human rights violations nightmare, taking away all my constitutional rights by the in-your-face injustice of the Turkish judiciary.
Mikael Yardim had placed a Turkish military entrance card with an eagle symbol, probably issued 40+ years ago during the Israel/US-supported 1980 Turkish military coup, on the windshield of his jeep. His jeep was unlawfully parked in the parking lot of our building, and he continued with his unlawful acts unimpeded despite all my calls for him and apartment owners to follow the rule of law. Moreover, one of the six illegally enlarged apartments, owned by a Turkish ex-military man (Suleyman Esringu), was sold by his inheritor (probably Volkan Yenilmez) as such in a building with structural damages in the basement, one done and another hidden by the management. This would be fraud under any justice system. The ex-military Suleyman Esringu was the previous building manager and was in good terms with the Zionists, including building manager Mikael and his son-in-law Ari, as well as Cuneyt Goksu, who formed an alliance as proven in apartment management decrees in writing.
The owner of the Asias hotel, who is on trial for causing the death of 72 people in the 2023 earthquake in Southeastern Turkey, defended himself in court in June 2024 by saying that he had participated in the 1974 Cyprus War. The Istanbul earthquake would demolish the building I live in, and no one would claim responsibility. There are two Tsunami warning signs on the street less than 1 km from me, installed by the Istanbul Kadikoy Municipality.
My struggle to protect my own life and that of others against ongoing injustice is fully documented with physical evidence consisting of Official Istanbul Kadikoy Municipality reports, Municipality correspondance via email including their internal communications located at the bottom of their emails, court documents and whatsup screenshots. I tweeted the documents proving the cover-ups inculding the covered-up official report, to the Justice Ministry, Construction Ministry, Istanbul Bar Association, the municipality responsible for the coverups Kadikoy Belediyesi, to the Istanbul Municipality, to some lawyers. And eventually the Interior Ministry in October 2024. No response at all. None, neither any interest, question, nor any denial. Silence.
I even tweeted the cover-up documents to the people who owned an illegally enlarged apartment in the building, Cuneyt Goksu, who had invited the Zionist Mikael to the building to become the manager and my sister Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayaliogiu who has shares in my apartment because we inherited the apartment from my father. No response.
Ignoring these crimes is an anti-human behaviour for money and self-interest, because the building is not safe to live in per official municipality report. All of the apartment owners went along with the coverup, because they were greedy and/or they were already duped by the Zionist and invested in and would be more costly to follow the law, and also more than half rented out their apartments so it wasn't a risk for them but for their tenants.
Everyone went along with the Zionists, except me. And they filed for my conservatorship for it to bury their crimes, to institutionalize me, and with motives including libel/slander of my name.
I had written the apartment managers and owners on the WhatsApp group again and again to just follow the law and leave me alone, but they didn't. Typical case of predatory behavior for making money by breaking the law.
Just for the Municipality part, there were 22 counts of misuse of public office in 3 stages during a period of 10 months. Not doubling down but tripling down on the cover-up with persistence. And there are major unlawful acts by the Judiciary, and of course the building managers and apartment owners. I live less than 1 km away from the Tsunami warning signs that the municipality erected.
Naturally, Diogenes comes to mind.
The building I live in is located in one of the most dangerous zones regarding earthquake safety per Istanbul Municipality charts. Constructed 50 years ago with substandard materials, including sea-drawn sand in the cement, it poses significant risks. The building has 11 small apartments in a better-off neighborhood of Istanbul called Moda, located in the Kadikoy Municipal District.
My mom lived in the apartment continuously for 43 years, and I spent my youth there. I left for my master's degree in mechanical engineering at Florida Atlantic University, USA, in 1990. I returned six years ago due to financial constraints, having spent my earnings, savings, and inheritance from my late aunt Pervin Omay on political activism for a better world.
In early 2021, I asked the Zionist building manager to step down due to financial irregularities. He threatened to have illegal enlargements in many apartments and the building itself demolished and he remained as the building manager with the signatures of those who had illegally enlarged their apartments. When I inquired about the threat, I was told there was a broken column in the building. I insisted on necessary legal and technical steps, but no one listened.
Those who had their apartments illegally enlarged and Mikael Yardim whose daughter Belinda Günter had two apartments in the building colluded as they were the majority: 7 or 8 of the 11 apartment owners. The remaining 2 either went along or stayed silent. The professions of the apartment owners in the building: computer engineer working at IBM, ex-Turkish military (his illegally enlarged apartment was sold to someone rich by his inheritor), lawyer, retired state employee, notary public (bought 3 years ago), self employed individuals.
Most apartment owners rent their places and don't care about their tenants' safety. Istanbul's earthquake risk is not a question of if, but when, as experts agree due to well-researched fault lines.
The building has numerous code violations, especially regarding structural safety, covered up for the interests of the apartment owners and managers. I have been harassed, lied to, sworn at, and slandered for advocating for the rule of law. I call it the criminal building.
I should take a moment to say that in 1999 a devastating earthquake struck not far from Istanbul which destroyed many buildings on the outskirts of Istanbul as well, with a loss of 50,000 people in total. At the time, I was running Turkey's first and most popular travel portal, I called for help on my website and newsletter, and many Americans responded with donations. A church group organized a container load of shipment of toys, clothes, and other needed items. I visited the affected area but did not organize the help myself; I provided the account number of a Turkish state bank in NYC and the address of the crisis center in Turkey for donations.
The 1999 earthquake was the largest in modern Turkey until the 2023 earthquake that devastated parts of Southeast Turkey and Northern Syria.
Right after the 1999 earthquake in Golcuk near Istanbul, some experts predicted that a similar earthquake was expected to strike Istanbul within 30 years. In fact, there are official preparations for it since 1999 but inadequate according to some top experts.
There are 10,000s of so called coffin-buildings in Istanbul per estimates. The building I live in is one, and that's not an estimate but according to the covered-up official Kadikoy Municipality report written by two honest civil engineers, one holding a master's degree.
For two years, I had asked the apartment owners and the management to obey the rule of law, only to face harassments, lies and slander. Finally, after the devastating earthquake in Southeast Turkey, I contacted the Kadikoy Municipality in Istanbul for a building safety inspection on March 8, 2023.
My complaints about the building's structural problems and illegal enlargements were fully confirmed by official Istanbul Kadikoy municipality reports. The situation was worse than I had thought. Uncovering the building report faced unlawful resistance from the Municipality and apartment owners, and repeated requests for legal action were ignored.
The Municipality, supposed to work for public safety, sided with those found to have broken the law.
After nine months of injustice, I went to the District Attorney to rectify the situation, but my claims were unlawfully dismissed. That same day, I was unlawfully struck by a conservatorship case, I didn't know by who, though I had my guesses. Many months later, a lawyer acquaintance Kemal Kaya said that they were filed by those who were found guilty of illegal constructions in the building and were also mentioned as suspects for covering up the Municipality Report in my criminal complaint the day prior. My sister who has a share in the apartment I live in and never wanted me to contact the Municipality for a building safety inspection which would secure my own and our mom's safety, had colluded with them. Without her complicity, the people I know nothing about other than I live in the same building, could not have legally filed for my conservatorship. I should also say that the story as to who filed for my conservatorship is even more complicated. Unbelievable as it may may sound I later found out that it was the District Attorney who had filed it because I had filed a criminal complaint, which she knew had already triggered a legal case in Chief prosecutor's Office that same day, because I had given the case number they gave me in my deposition.
The whole case shows typical characteristics of the Zionists: Always doubling down on the unlawful hence making smaller crimes bigger, from building level, to municipality level to state level, constant lies, networking and badmouthing against the honest behind closed doors, blocking communication among the people in the building and making sure everyone communicates through them. Many people have participated in the unlawful at all levels.
I seek peace of mind and safety at home, but have been targeted, vilified, and threatened with losing my constitutional rights. All this for seeking peace and safety by asking for the rule of law to be followed
If I had Dostoevski's talent, this would be named "Crime and Reward." The machinations of the fraud, in-your-face lies, and increasing severity of the unlawful would have called for a better text. Unfortunately, this is not fiction; all documents, including official reports, are available online.
Instead of thanking me for uncovering a real, ongoing threat to people's lives, the apartment owners and management intensified their attacks, attempting to take my constitutional rights and freedoms away with the help of the Turkish judiciary and my sister.
The apartment owners have still not provided the University report which was necessary to declare the building safe to live in as required by the Municipality within a month, and the Municipality is required to take legal action to demolish the building per their own report. It has been 18 months and counting. The mayor of the Municipality was Şerdil Dara Odabaşı, he was replaced by another after the election Mesut Kösedağı from the same political party but nothing changed. My numerous tweets continue to be unanswered.
I am an honest man, and I cannot sell my share in the apartment nor rent in out because it is an unsafe building, it should be illegal anyway, hence Turkey defacto has taken my property rights away and forces me to live in there. If the earthquake strikes, I will be under the rubble and noone will be responsible.
I had already decided to leave Turkey in September 2021, I do not want to live in Turkey and I am seeking asylum in an anti-imperialist country.
Here is my four-year struggle, with many parallels to people/events at the societal or global level. It is an example of what happens if you come across Zionists in daily or business life.
Had noticed his ill manners before, but hadn't paid any particular attention in the first two years after I had to move in with my mom at the age of 52. This was another one of my many sacrifices in my 40-year struggle against imperialism and capitalism as a global citizen with no connection to any group or government.
He was not living in the building but was the building manager. He parked his old Range Rover jeep in our parking lot. He also rented out two apartments belonging to his daughter. He used the tiny common backyard garden of the building for himself and his daughter's tenants and had grabbed two of the four parking spots in the building for his daughter's tenants, thereby charging higher rents. He and his son-in-law used parts of the basement as their storage, and he also had a room to himself in the basement. At first, you might think the amounts he extracted were small, but over 10 years, it accumulates to thousands of dollars, exactly like interest in usury. Many people don't pay attention to these violations done for money that accumulate over time. And of course, all of these actions are against zoning laws. These things add up while people get used to the illegal, hence forming the new normal. Another important aspect is that they expand their control to the maximum with a sense of entitlement, shamelessness, and arrogance. Making up lies as they go and betting others won't hold them accountable. Exactly like banksters and their cronies.
He had taken our armchair from the basement storage without ever asking, as if it was his own. I was also told that the tiles that one apartment owner, Nurdan Kıvanç had placed there were gone.
A tall, fat, and ugly man in his late 80s. Ugly inside out, I quickly found out. He was invited to be the building manager in 2011 for one year, when I wasn't living there, by an apartment owner I knew since youth and was once a very good friend of mine, Cuneyt Goksu, a money-worshipping computer engineer who works at IBM Germany. Mikael was elected by the majority of apartment owners for a period of one year in January 2011. He overstayed his mandate for nine more years after his contract expired, without any further election or apartment owners' meeting. He was walking around the building as if he owned it, like a military coup leader, and no one was objecting. He had changed his last name, like his son-in-law Ari. He was charging a small monthly management fee, but his real monetary gains from the apartment were from the unlawful use of the building's common areas.
I have shares in the apartment along with my mom and my sister because we had inherited it from my late father. I still call it my mom's apartment as I had not lived there in the last 30 years except two years in mid 1990s and until I moved in 6 years ago. I thought my stay would be much shorter.
My sister and her husband are both naturalized US citizens who returned to Turkey after decades in the US. One day in 2019, when my sister's husband was moving their stuff into the basement of our building, Mikael Yardim, the building manager, came towards me with my elderly mom's bra in hand, swinging it, and asking, "Is this your mom's?" when the husband of my sister was by my side. The bra had fallen off the balcony when she had hung laundry to dry. The way he brought it to me was not normal, and I warned him to watch his manners. He laughed it off, trying to appease me. The man was over 85, and I had no intention of getting into an argument that could turn physical. The husband of my sister did not say anything; he had just put his stuff in our basement even though he was not living in our apartment, and they were parking their cars, so they had monetary interests in getting along with him.
Then, Mikael Yardim said, "You were handsome in your youth; look at you now; who would marry you?" Absolutely out of nowhere. I didn't know the guy at all; I hadn't spoken to him except for the occasional "hi." He must have seen me when I was young because his daughter and son-in-law were living in the building three decades ago in one of the apartments they are now renting out. I didn't respond. I try to avoid all unnecessary arguments, especially in the last decade.
A few months later, in March 2020, the building manager had something on the roof fixed and the price was too high for the job. I called him and complained that he did not present any invoice. He wasn't happy to hear that, "is that so?" he said.
A month after that, I called him to ask for compensation for damages to the ceiling of our apartment which were the result of a 3rd roof leak in just a few years.
As soon as he picked up the phone, he hung up after telling me just "go away". I called up again he immediately said "there is someone who harasses me, your number is very similar, is that you, Mehmet?". Clearly, a lie, a gimmick. I had called him the second time. Wasting no time, I said "ask your lawyer, the building management has to pay for damages to my apartment by law". He replied I have no business to do with lawyers. That was a very bold statement, because it means he doesn't care about the law. And four years later this was proven by the actions of the Municipality, the Justice Ministry and the Interior Ministry.
And then in our short conversation, he said, "say hi to your mom". This is a slang swear phrase in Turkish, but it could also be interpreted in its normal meaning. So, I did not respond. Just told him again, by law it's the duty of the building management to pay for damages. He repeated "say hi to your mom" after which I hung up without saying anything. That's another pervert behaviour and from an 85 plus year old.
One month later, a new leak appeared at the ceiling. This time, it was in our living room, very close to the spot in the roof where he had construction work done. This leak was most likely caused by that construction work.
A while later, he contacted me through whatsup to ask me to change the heating pipes in my living room because it was leaking to the apartment downstairs and then to his apartment below from it. I wrote back there is no leaky heating pipe, I can see the pipes, they are in my apartment. In the next three months, he harassed me by calling me and sending numerous text messages saying I needed to change the pipes. He even collected money from apartment owners to replace the working pipes in our living room and even arranged for the plumber to do the replacement. It was outright harassement but he was also reassuring me that once the repair work is done that I will see the pipe is leaking. He continued even after I have sent him the photo showing that my ceiling was damaged because of the leaky roof and it was not my indoor heating pipe that was leaking.
Some time later the husband of my sister called me and said Mikael had called them. He then said he and my sister tought my mom needed comfort in his late years. They were implying they cared about my mom unlike me, and asked me to change the perfectly working heating pipe in my apartment. I was the one taking care of my then 85 years old mom on my own for years and she had a report from psychiatry and was very aggressive towards me often. Here, they were acting like they cared about her more than I do even when I was the one taking care of her, simply because it was in their interest to get along with the manager Mikael Yardim as they were parking their car for free plus they had free storage in the building basement. I was made to look like a troublemaker in the apartment back in summer 2020 by my sister and her husband while they were trying to enforce the unlawful wish of Mikael. She would 3 years later write me on whatsup after I contacted the municipality and she was raging against me because of it, that "I have always been a problem creator and not a problem solver." Yes, she wrote that, and by her account if I had accepted to change our perfectly working heating pipe because Mikael had demanded me to do so, and paid for it, I would be a problem solver!
My sister's husband also said Mikael told them that he would cut off the general heating pipes to my apartment if I do not change the pipe and that me and my mom would be without heat in the winter. That's a threat on top of the lie.
I flat out refused, saying there is nothing wrong with the heating pipe. Even when I unequivocally told my sister's husband that there were no leaks in the pipe, upon Mikael's insistance she still sent a plumber to check the pipes, who of course had found no leak. Think about this, I am the one inside the house seeing the pipes out in the open, I see there is no leak whatsoever, I say so to my sister's husband and my sister still sends a plumber as told by Mikael, and not trusting my words.
Only when October rains started to fall, that Mikael had to accept it was the leaky roof and not my heating pipes leaking because the leak occured when it was raining.
Even then, he had written me that if the heating pipes leaked in winter it would be bad. He then turned on the heating to very high winter levels in an apparent attempt to see if the pipes would leak, for one full week. I complained that the apartment was 26 degrees in a mild weather. Mind you, he wasn't paying for the gas, we were, the people in the building.
Since I had had enough with the manager, in November 2020, I asked Cuneyt Goksu, to form a whatsup group for the building so the problems in the building would be discussed and everyone in the building could see each other's suggestions and complaints. He was our next door neighbor since 40 years. He also was the one who had invited Mikael Yardim to be the building manager more than 10 years ago, revered him highly and was closely connected. I called Cuneyt who was living in Germany and told him about the problems concerning the apartment manager, that Mikael had asked me for 3 months to change my working heating pipe to the point of harassment and that he does not provide for damages required by law for my ceiling, and that he does not show any invoice for expenses. I also said he said "say hi to your mom" twice on the phone to which he responded by saying Mikael has a problem with manners. Only that, as an excuse and without touching any of the issues I cited. I told Cuneyt he was acting like the lawyer of Mikael. At that time I did not know he was an ally of Mikael but couple of months later it was proven in writing that him, Mikael Yardim, father of Belinda Gunter owning of two apartments, and Suleyman Esringu the ex-Turkish military man were acting as a very close group as evidenced by the fact that they were representing Cuneyt Goksu with their signature in apartment meeting decisions because he lived in Germany.
It is after that moment, things started to deteriorate. First off, Cuneyt started a whatsup group for the building upon my wish, but he did not invite anyone from the building to join the whatsup group! It was an apparent attempt by Mikael and Cuneyt to persuade me to get along with the building code violations. In that small whatsup group of three, more things happened heralding things to come.
Since I was asking questions and requesting him to abide by the law Mikael wrote that I was asking these questions in order not to pay the monthly building dues. It was another outrageous lie because I had sent him the dues by bank and this was a slander. He apologized but I did not care because he kept on attacking me with lies.
When I said that he might have argued with Cuneyt Goksu's brother Bulent on the street, he denied it, then he accused me of hallucinating when I had simply asked him whether this was the guy he argued. Then, I asked for Cuneyt's brother's phone number to check if that was the case, Cuneyt not only got angry but did not give me his brother's number. An aggressive reaction against me for only asking if Mikael had argued with his brother who lived in the building opposite from us.
The attacks using psychologic accusations is very common among Zionists but also others as well since they follow the same playbook. It is a tool for forming group concessus under their rule.
Let's not forget the guy making the accusation that I was hallucinating, is the one who insisted that I should change our working heating pipes even when he did not see them leaking, harassed me for 3 months straight, collected money from the apartment owners to change the working pipes, theatened me with cutting heating to my apartment if I do not comply with his unlawful request, used my sister to persuade me, and he persuaded her to send a plumber who confirmed there are no leaky pipes. And on top of it, he wanted me to pay for it. And no, he was not hallucinating, he was doing it on purpose, part of his harassment/slander campaign and because he wouldn't pay for any of it. This on top of his swear, proven lies, threats, harassments.
Very important to note that my sister was cooperating with Mikael against me the whole time, even in 2020 and was saying similar things against me using psychological slander.
I also complained in the whatsup group that the building was way overheated like I had written him in a personal message. And not only Mikael denied it but also said I could turn down the valves of the heating units in my apartment. Why would I need to do that instead of him turning down the general heating controller of the building. It would not make any meaningful changes in the heat spending of the apartment if I turned down the valves in my apartment. Why was he allowed to overheat the whole building to check if the pipes would leak in winter, which is a crazy thought, but also very egotistical. It's really not difficult to imagine what he would say behind my back to others in the building based on what he was doing and saying against me.
The next month the gas bill for the apartment was more than twice as much as past month even though the weather had not changed significantly, needless to say for overheating the apartment to see if the pipes would leak. When the bill came before I even said anything, Mikael posted the gas bill on the whatsup group with the words "this month gas prices have increased." blaming the increase in the heating bill to a hike in gas prices.
I asked him by how much gas prices increased. He didn't reply but his main supporter Cuneyt Goksu did. He wrote that gas prices have increased from 0.14623182 to 0.14690857 and consumption has increased up to two times from 9662 to 23900.
He wrote this in your face lie to coverup for the lie of Mikael Yardim which caused me and the apartments to pay more for the gas bill. As you can see, it is not the gas price increase that caused the bill to more than double, it was the consumption because Mikael had turned the heating to very high levels to see if the pipes would leak in winter and didn't turn it down, even when I had complained about it.
Yet both of them were lying even though the numbers were clearly proving that they were lying. I asked Cuneyt by how much the gas prices increased and he said "what are you trying to say" and then wrote the same. I finally had to ask Cuneyt who has a masters in computer engineering by what percentage did the gas price increased because rate increases are expressed in percentage. He did not reply. He couldn't. Gas prices had increased by a mere 0.5%, practically stayed the same within the fluctuating market rate, and the consumption had increased by 247%. Obviously, it was the consumption that had caused the bill more than double which was the result of Mikael's action of turning up the heat to extreme levels apparently to see if the pipes would leak even when he perfectly knew at that time that the pipes did not leak and he even accepted so.
Looking at a number and saying false things is the epitome of forceful deceit. Who could see 4 and say it is 2 because it is in their interest to say so? Extreme confidence when lying is a hallmark of Zionism. People normally aren't used to that, they would have natural self-doubt when confronted with such audacity in lying. What are you going to do with such people/manager owning apartments in the same building. At that point, I did not know about the violations regarding the structural safety of the building which were by far the most important.
When these continuous lies were told, I immediately recognized the psychopathy in Mikael and Cuneyt and potential future problems. Some people may think these are minor matters, I did not think that. Harassment, in your face lies, threats, swearing, libel, pervert behaviour aren't small issues. And as I had somewhat foreseen, they progressed unto municipality and state level.
You can see the animosity of Mikael Yardim, Cuneyt Goksu and my sister and her husband towards me for their self-interest in the above telling events masterminded by Mikael in 2020. Mikael Yardim and Cuneyt Goksu would, 3 years later, be found to have broken the law with illegal constructions and damages to the building in official municipality reports after my complaint, even though the report was initially fully covered up by the Istanbul Kadikoy municipality management.
Three and a half years later, according to lawyer Kemal Kaya who knew both me and my sister since 50 years, told me my sister joined with these people to open a court case against me to obtain my conservatorship.
A month later, I formed a WhatsApp group with another apartment owner, Nurdan Kivanc, who was unhappy with Mikael Yardim and his supporter Cuneyt Goksu. She also invited two people, who were renters and did not have much say in apartment management. I mentioned that some people in the building had joined my group to my sister's husband, Ozan Kayalioglu, and he replied, "Do you think they will continue to stick with you?" in a doubtful manner. "The people in this country are insufferable," he added.
I then suggested two apartment owners, Nurdan Kivanc and Arman Esayan, who were against Mikael, to hire a lawyer together. They declined. Later, I found out they too had skeletons in the closet; they had enlarged their apartments in the building illegally.
I also invited Mikael to join our group because he was the manager, and we would be telling him the problems about the building.
Only a few days after we started discussing building problems in my WhatsApp group, Cuneyt Goksu, who was refusing to add other people to his WhatsApp group, then asked Mikael Yardim to give him the phone numbers of the people in my group in order to add them to his group. Mikael complied. This is a violation of privacy and personal information laws, but they didn't care. They were determined to keep people under their control; they did not want a separate WhatsApp group. Nurdan Kivanc, whose phone number was added without permission, criticized this action. Controlling the information is necessary to keep the law-breaking management going.
I wrote that I will not pay any expenses without seeing an invoice, and I would like to make payments by bank transfer and not by cash. I also wanted a new building manager who abides by law to be elected. Basically, these are things they were required to do by law and they hadn't.
I had already decided not to take any calls from Mikael and Cuneyt by January 2021. It was futile. I didn't answer their private messages, only on the WhatsApp group as needed. When Mikael had asked me to pick up the phone, I told him to send his message in writing, so we have a record. Not that he didn't lie on record as seen above, but at least I would have a record of him lying.
When Cuneyt Goksu and I argued in the WhatsApp group, Mikael presented himself as a peacemaker between us, when in fact he was the main reason I had been arguing with Cuneyt, not that he was innocent.
Another typical deceit to paint himself as the good guy, when in fact he was the polar opposite, fomenting trouble behind the scenes with slander and lies. And when in a social setting, the Zionist represents itself as the peacemaker, the good guy.
The Zionist always tries to talk one on one, not in social settings, or social media, or internet groups other than for propaganda because it can't pitch one person against another if everything is discussed out in the open. That's why free, uncensored social media is the sunlight that prevents such behind-the-scenes manipulations.
I found out that he was a building manager without a tax ID, wasn't presenting invoices for expenses, and was not doing bookkeeping. All of this is illegal.
Mikael later wrote me in private how easygoing he is, and I was the problem one, when in fact he was breaking the law, which was an objective fact. I wanted him to obey the law and was met by a personal attack to compensate for the illegal. In all likelihood, a sociopath.
He also threatened to call my sister, Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayalıoğlu, to pressure me, for she was parking her car in violation of the building codes herself. This happened in January 2021, three years before the conservativeship lawsuit against me. That means she was already badmouthing me, which I already knew she did from two different sources: one apparently is Denizbank bank branch in Moda, and another one from a mutual acquaintance. Mikael already had used her against me and was confident of doing that again. Their mutual self-interest led to their cooperation. Another interesting thing is that my mother stopped altogether attacking me after a meeting with my sister in summer, so it was not only the aging and medical issues that my mom had that caused her to attack me, but my sister.
Committing a crime and making people commit crimes and then blackmailing them with the crimes you made them commit, hence perpetuating crimes.
Does that sound like a plan? It sure is a plan for US and Western/NATO politics, with the same dynamics at the government/bankster level. As always, the carrot and stick approach is used to entice people to commit crimes for their own interest and then coerce them to commit more crimes.
It is during that time in February 2021, when I had asked Mikael Yardim to leave management, that Arman Esayan called me and asked me what does Mikael have to do with the Turkish military?
I did not know the guy, so I told him so. Arman Esayan had known him for many years but he did not know about it either and asked me. He also told me that Mikael had wired electricity cables from my apartment to the building roof for repair work and they were permanently there, which is a major fire hazard. In fact, the electricity at the back of our apartment had short-circuited, and we could not use electric outlets. There was a repair, but I do not know if the repair got rid of this problem because it is an ongoing issue.
Mikael also had written me that he had 117 people working for him, which I don't know if it is a lie or not.
When I had asked for the resignation of Mikael Yardim and the appointment of a new manager to the building, his son-in-law Ari Uygun called, and I did not pick up the phone. I knew him from my youth, when I was living in this apartment; his name was Ari Gunter then, and he had changed it to a Turkish one. I had not talked to him on the phone at all, didn't have his number, and only met him twice in the last 30 years with chance meetings on the street, which lasted a minute or two. Right after that, Arman Esayan called and told me that Mikael would have the courtyard openings (illegal apartment enlargements) and the building demolished. I said how and why? He said Mikael says that there is a broken column in the building. I said anything that is necessary, technical and legal, must be done. It was a threat, a blackmail for which I did not bend. This was way more serious than the pipe leak lie, but I didn't know whether it was true or not.
Nothing was done in the next two years about the broken column allegation; I did not know whether Mikael Yardim was telling the truth or lying; either way, it was for blackmail. Two years later, it turned out he was telling the truth because it was to his advantage and good for blackmail, and it worked. 8 out of the 11 apartment owners approved him for a term extension even though he was not eligible by law because he did not have a tax ID. Out of 8, 5 apartment owners who voted in favor had illegally enlarged their apartments, and the 2 belonged to the daughter of Mikael Yardim. The remaining owner knew nothing about the building; it was a charity institution, Darussafaka. Interestingly, Mikael had convinced the lawyer of the institution to vote for him, when in fact that lawyer knew nothing about the apartment. And for a lawyer to support a manager without a tax ID is problematic to say the least, as the lawyer is supposedly a man of law.
Nurdan Kivanc, who was eager to see Mikael Yardim leave and was against Cuneyt Goksu's meddling in building affairs from Germany, voted in favor of Mikael's term extension. She flipped sides because her apartment was also illegally enlarged. In fact, 6 of the 11 apartments were so, and two belonged to Mikael Yardim's daughter, Belinda Gunter.
However, their scheme was short-lived; banks refused to open an account because Mikael was doing building management without a tax ID. It was unlawful, yet the apartment owners in the building did not care. He also did not do recordkeeping, which was required by law.
In the building WhatsApp group, I asked the manager and everyone to follow the law, but they doubled down on unlawful. They had the numbers, and I was alone; who cares about the law? And this was the start of a long series of doubling down on unlawful until it reached the Turkish state/judiciary level of unlawful.
Since Mikael could not legally continue to be the manager, they found a guy named Sebahattin Keskin, manager of Denge Site Management at the suggestion of Nurdan Kivanc, to be the building manager on paper and a nonexistent "Mikail Kilic" to be the manager. 9 of the 11 apartment owners signed this fraudulent paper. Basically, two different names, one non-existing, were listed as building manager.
Even though I had clearly and explicitly told the new manager I wanted a manager who obeys the law, and he had said he would, he didn't. So, another corruption case. Corruptibility, Mikael's corrupting influence, or both? When I noticed that he was doing Mikael's bidding, I asked him to leave within weeks of his appointment; he said he would, then he didn't. I also sent a message to Nurdan Kivanc because she was the person who had found this man, that he should leave; he didn't.
The manager on paper, Sebahattin Keskin, almost never came to the building. In the first few months, he showed invoices for expenses, and later, altogether skipped them. When I demanded to see the invoices before payment, he replied, "we are making all payments via bank," but he never showed neither the bank records nor the invoices. Hence, people didn't know what they were paying for. I paid them even though I needn't.
A while later, there was a cold spell in winter, and the residents wanted to raise the pipe heat to 70 from 65. Mikael raised it slightly above 65 and said it was 70, and even when he put a picture of it clearly showing that it is not 70.
People in the whatsup group did not object to Mikael, even when I said it is obviously not 70. It was a repeat of the previous situation with heating bill where they were lying with numbers on plain sight. The people who had signed the fraudulent building manager election had agreed to any lies for their own interest.
In a whatsup building group message, Arman Esayan and his tenant reported that parking lot lock was changed by Roy, the grandson of Mikael Yardim. Soon after, the whatsup group was closed for discussions and all meesages removed by the new manager Sebahattin Keskin because what Roy did was illegal. And the people didn't say a word including a lawyer Birsen Malkoc because she was friends with Mikael.
A year and a half later, the owner of the restaurant opposite from our building was given keys to our private apartment parking lot, the section whose locks were changed by Roy. Why? Money and/or offer more people in the neighborhood unlawful benefit off of the building and they would protect Mikael as the top law breaker. For any criminal to stay in power for long, the society must be corrupted. Criminals can't stay at the top of the society for long, if the society is law abiding and honest overall.
In our building main electrical switches are located at the basement and are out in the open. Ours was turned off couple of times when Mikael was in the building. Coincidence? Don't think so, because his aid Seyfi who does janitorial work once told Nurdan Kivanc that Mikael had broken an electrical circuitbreaker when the apartment heating stopped working amdist a cold spell.
A few times (in 2021, April 2023) they did not include my payments in the monthly payment summaries sent to all apartments in the building even though I made payments through bank and had the receipts. Then complained in the whatsup group that I was a problem guy. They did not show me debt numbers for four months without any explanation, I was forced to pay whatever number they had shown. All of this are unlawful but they cared not about the law.
More on Personal Attacks and Approaches
The puppet manager Sebahattin Keskin also said something personal during the covid pandemic, I was unvaxxed and was getting out very rarely, only when needed and for exercising. He said we feel sorry for you as if he cared about me. I had to resist against my mom and sisters' constant pressure to get me vaxxed. I refused but was concerned about my 85 year old mom so I wasn't against her being vaxxed. About a year later the husband of my sister was diagnosed with a very aggressive lung cancer. I was cautioning them against, getting mRNA covid vax, not gonna say it was because of the vax as he had smoked all his life, but it's likely that the vax had an effect.
The fake concern of the puppet manager of the apartment about me, is typical. This type of personal approaches when still violating the law was a tactic Mikael Yardim used as well as well as his son-in-law Ari Uygun. It was part of the personal attacks that started in 2021 and culminated in 2023 with some people in the apartment together with my sister filing for my placement into conservatorship.
They would not address any building safety violations or unlawful deeds, but instead resort to personal attacks or personal communication just to make me accept the unlawful and the unsafe. A few days after a personal attack Mikael would try to befriend me.
These are all tactics.
They try one after another but neither befriending nor personal attacks will change my request for compliance with the law which is the one thing they are not interested in. I don't my waste time with lies.
One day in summer, when walking on the street, Mikael saw me and hailed me by saying "what kind of man are you, you are not saying hi" in an attempt to start a conversation. I told him to be respecful. They never would do the legal and the right yet they would try to start conversations. I don't do negotiations on the unlawful. I called my sister to talk about this incident, she said do not argue with him. I had warned her many times about Mikael, she kept on cooperating.
In one instance, the manager Sebahattin Keskin wrongly accused me in the building whatsup group of not fixing a leak from my apartment to the one down below even when I had already fixed that. When I saw the message I immediately messaged the husband of the owner of the apartment downstairs, Cengiz Cihangir, to ask if there were still any leaks to their apartments, he said no. I even asked a month later and he repeated there is no leak. This was another lie to paint me in the whatsup group as the problem guy. I also wrote Cengiz Cihangir that building manager wants to frame me as the problem guy. He should have contacted the manager to update the information. He did not.
They didn't believe me or didn't want to believe me and went along with the illegal powerful. I don't know what Mikael told them about me or the building. I have observed this throughout my life in Turkey, they always go with the powerful even when the powerful is a criminal, this holds true for all my observations.
Two apartments went through extensive and very expensive refurbishments with Mikael Yardim and his aid Seyfi frequently supervising the refurbishments in clear indication that he was the one involved and making money off of them.
Mikael Yardim and and his son-in-law Ari Uygun were frequently visiting him when he was alive. That apartment was also illegally enlarged and sold to Lilya Irem Salman. After my complaint illegal enlargements would be demolished and the owners fined, after of course I had uncovered the report at the municipality. I presume Lilya irem Salman and his father never filed suite against the person, Volkan Yenilmez who hold him the apartment, because they continued cooperating with the management Mikael Yardim, Nurdan Kivanc and Sebahattin Keskin as well as Cuneyt Goksu.
By law it is the duty of the building management to inform about it and contact the relevant entities. Nobody talked about the broken column claims which by far was the most important, a serious danger to the lives of the people living in the building.
Their own illegal apartment enlargements prevented them from asking an inquiry into the broken column claim along with the costs associated with reconstruction. In general, tenants in Istanbul face bigger risk because apartment owners don't care, the municipalities doen't care either.
During the two years since I had heard about the claim regarding the existence of a broken column in the building, through Mikael's "I will have the apartment enlargements demolished, I will have the building demolished" threat, which he issued in order to continue as the building manager, conveyed to me via Arman Esayan, a dissident to Mikael back then, I told my sister a few times that this claim needs to be checked, especially after small earthquakes near Istanbul. She wasn't interested in the least and once I had to tell her I will contact the Kadikoy Municipality, she said she did not want this. If the Istanbul Earthquake with a probability as high as 60% until 2030 according to some experts had happened, we would most probably be under rubble. Why would anyone not want her closest relatives not live in a safe building?
Mikael who had threatened to have the building demolished in order to stay manager of the building, continued to profit from it by making money not only off of renting out her daughter's apartments but supervising expensive renovations to two apartments sold and probably pocketing money from them and as a building manager not telling about the building's structural integrity problems, making money off coffin apartments. In one case he also did not tell the apartment was illegally enlarged that was ex-military Suleyman Esringu's apartment and probably inherited by Volkan Yenilmez. This is the name that appeared as owner for the apartment when the building was being renovated and Mikael and his sidekick Seyfi were frequently visiting. And this is confirmed by the new owner's father Yavuz Salman that they had bought the apartment this way. The renovations were so extensive and took many months hence there should be substantial involved in it. It is not hard to guess it was Mikael Yardim who had proposed to sell the apartment after a renovation. I do not know if Volkan Yenilmez has anything to do with the ex-Turkish military people. However since he is the one who sold the illegally enlarged apartment he would have been implicated in a lawsuit or maybe a criminal investigation.
Unfortunately a third apartment was put on sale and this was after the second cover-up of the Municipality report. I had to contact the District Attorney's Office after the for sale banner was taken off. This would be the third person to be sold a coffin apartment, her name a month later I learned from the building management chart was Irem Duzovalilar. I do not know if she was informed about the covered up building report before purchasing the apartment or whether they told her it was something unimportant.
The most important thing to note here is that all these people who were sold coffin apartments turned against me instead of contacting authorities or contacting me. It is not only the things Mikael Yardim might have said to dupe them but once fooled they found themselves ın a situation that Mikael might have threatened to block the reconstruction of a new building, or they could not afford construction costs because they had spent so much money buying the apartment and paying for very expensive renovations. It could also be that they did not trust the judiciary in Turkey. Judging by my own experience and living in Turkey they had a point.
This is typical of Zionists, once they put people in a difficult situation, they pressure their victims to accept the situation and forget about the crimes by offering a way out which would benefit the Zionist.
They try and most often get as many people as possible involved in unlawful acts for petty benefits, so that they will be the top person to manage the collective crime.
Mikael Yardim had set his eyes on the building itself because he wanted to buy one of the apartments later sold to a notary public, I was told by Nurdan Kıvanç when she was a dissident to Mikael, before switching sides.
Two and a Half Years of Asking the Building Management to Obey the Law to no avail
I have had more than enough, for two and a half years asking the managers and apartment owners to follow the rule of law while worrying about the safety of the building as small and mid-sized earthquakes kept happening.
In December 2022, I prepared the shortest possible summary of the building code violations, including the allegations that there was a broken column in the building and illegally enlarged apartments, and sent it to my sister, asking her to suggest a lawyer. She first wrote, "Mikael Yardim is insufferable." Then she continued, "isn't he old, isn't he sick, he might die," to which I replied that he is doing all these with the help of others. She then gave me the phone number of a lawyer, Yasemin Türe. I called her twice and sent an email with the summary of the claims, but she never called back even though she had said she would.
I finally contacted the Kadikoy Municipality in Istanbul for a Building Inspection
After the earthquake of 2023 in February, which killed more than 50 thousand people in Turkey, and only two months after I had summarized code violations and mailed them to both my sister and the lawyer she suggested, and having received no response, I waited a month to see if my sister would mention anything about the safety of the building me and our mom live in, any word of concern. She didn't even say a word about the earthquake the world spoke about.
Then, I published my complaint online on March 8, 2023, and I contacted the municipality by emailing them the link ( and asking for a building inspection, stating that there were claims of both a broken column and also illegal enlargements in some apartments, and that the building was lawless and nobody investigated them. It was the legal duty of the manager to do what I did. Yet, I had to do it and face severe consequences.
I wanted the process to be transparent as the building earthquake safety was a major concern for Istanbul since the 1999 earthquake nearby. I also thought the municipality would be more likely to follow the law if I published my inspection request online and the events as they happen since the very beginning. At least, I hoped so.
A few days later, a civil engineer from the municipality, Erdem Kocabey, emailed me. He wrote that he had checked my website and the page in question and asked for my address. Two weeks after my email inquiry, on March 21, 2023, two civil engineers visited the building for inspection. I couldn't immediately meet them downstairs as I was busy, and the lead engineer had climbed up the stairs, knocked on my door, and told me he didn't see anything wrong with the building. I asked if he had checked the boiler room, which was locked, and he said no. As a mechanical engineer, I wanted them to check the basement, the riskiest place for building safety, as it holds the weight of the building and connects it to the foundation. I did not know where the broken column was, it was my guess. The engineer had told me even before starting the inspection that the basement and first floors are the most likely places to show signs of structural problems in a building.
I led the engineers to the door of Nurdan Kivanc, who is the comptroller and part of the building management. Someone barely opened the door without showing her face and said Nurdan was not in, then closed the door. I went up to my apartment to pick up the key to the basement and when I came back, Nurdan Kivanc was there with her sister. The first thing she asked the engineers was whether they visited upon the call of Cuneyt Goksu, the man who invited and supported Mikael Yardim. She continued saying that he called the municipality from Germany, where he was working for IBM. I replied, "No, the engineers are here upon my request." I had tweeted my written request for inspection to the Kadikoy Municipality Twitter account the day after I contacted them by email. Probably he had seen my tweet and contacted the municipality himself. On our way to the basement, both Nurdan Kivanc and her sister said that there was nothing wrong down there, only some scratches.
Almost as soon as we entered the basement, one civil engineer pulled up his camera and started recording while the other said the truss/column intersection was broken. After they finished recording along the length of the room, one of the engineers said an official report would be sent.
I was glad that the inspection found the column/truss fracture hidden by the management before the earthquake hit, and if necessary, the building would be reconstructed for both our safety and for public safety. The owners of the apartments in the building and the management cared only about the money they were getting and put their tenants and us at risk. Reconstruction meant money, and they would rather put our lives in danger. They did not care about the law at all.
I called my sister to inform her that I had contacted the Municipality for an inspection. The engineers came, and the situation looked bad. Despite the potential danger to our safety, she showed no concern and simply asked, 'What will happen now?' This was the same person who had discouraged me from contacting the municipality for two years. When I told her that her lack of concern was all she had to say, I had nothing more to add. After hanging up, she began sending me angry messages, including concerns about the potential loss of money if the building were to be reconstructed. She continued to call and write to me in anger for days, but I did not respond.
This is the same person whom I had greatly helped many times throughout her life. Finally, I wrote to her on WhatsApp, 'I will no longer carry you on my shoulders and protect you. I would consider you the same as Mikael Yardim and Cuneyt Goksu,' to which she replied, 'If you say this, you are not my brother.' She had visited our apartment only once, despite my multiple invitations after her husband's cancer diagnosis, which led me to start talking to her again to support her. I had also suggested to my mom that we could live in a more modest district, but neither my mom nor my sister wanted that. They also did not want me to sell my share in the apartment. As an honest man, I could not do that before ensuring the building was safe, which is why I contacted the municipality.
I also wrote to her that she had lost her humanity. If I were in her shoes, I would have contacted the municipality myself for our safety. I live in the apartment with my elderly mom, and she is supposedly my sister. What if an earthquake had struck in the last three years?
I have warned her about the allegations surrounding the building multiple times, especially after smaller earthquakes around Istanbul. I also warned my sister and her husband about Mikael Yardim at least twice, asking her not to talk to him because he was lying. I told all that to her husband as well.
Since the inspection, I stopped talking to my sister.
In one later instance in April 2023, when I did not open her the door, she threatened to put the apartment on sale and put me out on the street upon which I called our common lawyer from a former case that the sale is OK with me and if she wants to go to court for keys to the apartment that's also fine and told the lawyer to contact her with that info. She had never come visit her mom to help me out with her but when I had said I do not want her in the apartment she had come knocking on the door in a narcissistic rage and then I opened the the door. She did not file for keys to the apartment, she did something much worse.
It was my sacrifice not to put the apartment on sale and live with my mother because she wanted to live there. I did not want it, I wanted out of Turkey, sell my share and leave. But before all, I wanted to make sure the claims of broken column were checked by the Kadikoy Municipality.
A few days after the inspection, when I was walking up the stairs past her apartment, Nurdan Kivanc opened the door and asked me if there are any news from the Municipality. I said "at the inspection they said they will send a report". She replied she didn't hear that and closed the door. At that time something else happened, Mikael Yardim who was parking his jeep unlawfully on our parking lot, took his jeep away. He was caught red handed and feared backlash from the apartment owners, I presumed. This is the typical move he made multiple times, when he knew he was caught breaking the law. The apartment owners were overwhelmingly supporting him because most of them had themselves broken the law, yet he would take his illegally parked jeep away when he risked being caught. He always managed to channel other people's negative reactions for his own crimes towards me as I was the honest guy who wanted to expose his crimes. Apartment owners were complicit but they were not Mikael either. This explains also the difference between Zionists and the people they use. Mikael was starting a sentence saying one thing and ending it with the complete opposite.
My second request from the municipality was an inspection for the claim that many of the apartments were illegally enlarged. Unsurprisingly their owners were supporting the manager because he had threatened to have their illegal enlargements demolished. One month in, noone had come for that inspection. So I called up the municipality. It was my only call to the municipality. All my other contacts were by email as at least I would have a record unlike the call. The person I talked to was from the Building Inspections department, Ismail. He first said "did you call us before, your file is separated from the rest". I said no, I never called before. Someone must have made a call, Cuneyt Goksu was mentioned by Nurdan Kivanc but maybe someone else too. Ismail was disinterested in an inspection, you should call us he added. I asked "when will you come for an inspection", he replied "a week or 10 days". I said "you seem to be uninterested to do an inspection, I will continue to write on social media, you will not be able to bury my request." He said he wasted his time and hung up. I wrote to the municipality the content of our conversation immediately thereafter which they did not object to.
Next day, someone knocked on my door, and there he was in front of me with an aid. He said that I was right, that 5 of the 11 apartments were illegally enlarged including that of Nurdan Kivanc, comptroller and an aid to Mikael Yardim. He also said he wanted to see my apartment. Sure, I said, he walked in and confirmed there was no illegal construction. I guessed someone might have lied that I also had an illegal enlargement in the apartment.
While inside, I also showed him the lamp socket Mikael allegedly connected to the roof with cables. Even though it was his job, he said he won't go and check the roof but that I should contact an attorney or the Static Inspections Bureau of the Municipality if I thought they had to delve into cement to connect the cables. There was no other way they could have connected my electricity cables to the roof without first delving into cement, if indeed they had done it. This is a big deal and a fire risk as the roof frequently leaked, and still unchecked as of November 2024.
He also showed me the door of Cuneyt Goksu which is next door from my apartment and said they don't answer the door. The shoes were left outside meaning there was at least someone in. I can't seem to understand why would some people leave their shoe out but that was the custom for that apartment. Ayse, the sister in law of Cuneyt Goksu lives in his apartment. I told him there is one more apartment with illegal enlargement and later even emailed the picture proving it, but nothing was done. I also asked what will happen regarding the law, he showed me the papers he was holding, and said these will be sent to the District Attorney's office. That turned out to be another big lie.
In the next 7 weeks after the building safety inspection in the basement, I emailed the Istanbul Kadikoy Municipality, starting with the lead civil engineer Erdem Kocabey who did the inspection, and then the main email account of the municipality and then the main email account of Building Inspections for the whereabouts of the inspection report. Noone replied, except I received two anonymous emails one from the Building Inspections Department and one from the general municipality account asking for my address for another inspection. I replied both that the inspection was already done and I was waiting for a report. Again no answer. This was suspicious, it seemed they were trying to do another inspection to cover-up the initial inspection. If they had sent this in good faith, they would simply reply and tell me they will look up for the report. They didn't respond at all, they did this twice. I didn't take the bait. I went to the basement and could not see iron bars protruding from the column/truss section I saw during the inspection, it was cut. If they had done a second inspection they would not have found anything wrong!
My suspicions would later be confirmed, in fact beyond my imagination.
I could see the Municipality's internal communications because forwarded emails between departments were at the bottom of the emails. I also emailed the chief Legal Officer of the municipality Adem Coban but received no reply from him either. In the end, I contacted the head of the Building Inspections department, Feyza Baykara. She didn't reply either. That would be overall 7 requests in writing asking for the official report in over two months. Absolutely not a coincidence, someone would have at least asked me further questions to locate the report. The fact that Ismail had told me that my case was separated from the rest, further proved it, as if further proof was needed.
On May 22, I was removed from the building WhatsUp group. They were not allowing me to write since after the first week the group was founded two and a half years prior, even tough I was the one who wanted the group be formed for open discussions and truth. However, this time, right before the Municipality covered up the report, they removed me from the apartment group altogether so I could not even see any announcement or correspondance not even the building monthly dues I needed to pay!
Finally on May 25, 2023, I received an email from the main anonymous account of the Building Inspections Bureau without any name/signature, stating that they did an inspection, while they had not found any broken column they had found out that some apartments in the building were illegally enlarged. That was the end result of my query. Immediately upon receiving this email, I emailed both, the anonymous account and the department head Feyza Baykara, that this official result contradicted what the engineers had told me during the inspection, that there was a broken column/truss connection and that there will be an official report. Again they did not answer.
They lied even when they knew I was going to publish it on my page. They never cared whether anyone would see my page because I had only a few followers on X. Who they were relying upon to break the law in such a sensitive matter as earthquake safety, only 3 months after the devastating earthquake in Turkey? And why?
The next day, someone who was writing me the first time, Ozlem Yaman from Construction and City Planning Department said that Building Inspections department did not send them any info and that my address was unknown. I replied her that municipality engineers already have inspected the building I am asking for the report that was supposed to be sent. I added that "Building Inpections is suspicious because the engineers who did the inspection told me that the truss column connection is broken and that a report will be sent, while this department who ended my inquiry says there is no broken column. Your Municipality needs to do an administrative investigation." In the next three days she asked me for my address, never addressed my request for an administrative inspection and stopped answering my requests about the report altogether. She also told me that the engineer who did the inspection no longer was working there and was sent to field work in the municipality. Among the forwarded emails between departments within the municipality, I have noticed one email from the Building Inspections Department to Constructions and City Planning Department, where it was said the handling of my request was the duty of the Constructions and City Planning Department.
Then I understood that the engineers who did the inspection were from the Constructions and City Planning Department but the final result to my request was written by a different department, Building Inspections, who had not done an on site inspection upon my request. That is why they were asking for my address, for a new inspection and I had refused to give them my address but they lied anyway to close my request ticket, by saying that they had inspected the building for the broken column claim while they had not.
On May 27,2023, I received an email from the Municipality Main account saying that the inquiry to my request was officially over. That was it, no report was sent, it was fully covered up with lies.
In your face lying that I frequently saw in the Zionist run apartment was now at the Municipality Level as if the Zionists were running the Municipality.
A few days later, one of the apartments with illegal enlargement was put on sale before the enlargement was ordered to be demolished by the municipality. I took a picture of the facade of the building where the apartment with for sale sign could be seen, put it on my webpage and the same day on June 14, 2023, I also emailed Ozlem Yaman saying that if this apartment is sold as is then your municipality would be responsible because it is illegally enlarged (by about 7%). Still, I did not receive an answer.
Three weeks later, on July 5, I received an email from Ozlem Yaman who finally sent me the covered up report in the attachment.
The email also said that they had sent the report to the Building Constructions department on June 16, two days after I contacted her with the picture of the apartment for sale. The Building Inspections had not sent the report to me even though they had received it and Ozlem Yaman must have noticed this by looking at my webpage where I was listing all developments as they occured.
The covered up report was dire and not only showed the truss/column fracture but also that the building management led by Mikael Yardim had run a pipe through one column, which is illegal. It stated that the structural integrity of the building was in doubt and required an urgent University report within a month from the building management based on which it will be decided whether the building is safe to live in or not. The report also stated failure to bring a University Report within a month will result in legal action against the building. I later learned that such legal action would mean the demolishment of the building. This was dated March 21, and they had sent me after my arduous struggle on July 5, three and a half months late. Moreover, Building Inspections had received the report on June 16 from the Construction and City planning Department and knew the report was demanding an answer within a month from the building management yet they sat on it for a month and a day.
The Zionist had first blackmailed with the threat of demolishing the building and stayed as manager, and continued to fill his pockets from the coffin building. Now people were using the Kadikoy Municipality to stop the demolishment of the building and use the Municipality as a bargaining tool with me, because I wanted legal and building safety obligations to be fulfilled. I was twice told to call the municipality once on the phone and once in email. I did not, because they were trying to cover up the unlawful and use the Municipality as a bargaining tool. The Zionist tactic is almost always is to do the crime for money when the opportunity presents itself or create the opportunity and then pay some of the earnings back and never spend a day in court. I do not bargain when it comes to crimes, whatever the law says.
I bargain for money related stuff but not crimes or their cover-up.
After I posted the picture of the building in which Mikael's parked jeep could be seen, Mikael Yardim removed the Turkish Military entrance card from his jeep's window. I published this detail on my page. A few days later I received the report from the municipality, Mikael then removed his jeep from our parking lot, which he was parking against the building code.
I did a search for Mikael Yardim on Google, nothing showed up. In Russian search engine Yandex he was shown as a contact person in two companies one of which Zed Ltd was providing airconditioning equipment to the Turkish military. He had written me that he had a company with 117 employees two years prior. His picture was around 40 years old and the company he had first founded was from the 1980 Turkish Military coup period. The name of the company was Termosan founded in 1983 per a trade directory which included aircraft parts in its business description and on that page there was link to a Zed Ltd. Mikael in 2021 had written me that in his company 117 people worked. I had no idea if he was telling the truth or was lying. The fascist 1980 anti-human coup was fully supported by the Israel/NATO/US.
On July 17, 2023, I received an email from Building Constructions department that they had filed a report about illegal apartment enlargements along with the already sent covered up report. Important to note that they had not filed an official report when they had done the inspection but only after the covered-up building report surfaced. This meant that they effectively covered up the apartment enlargements along with the building report.
And this elaborate scheme turned out to be only the first stage of the cover-up!
The first one was a full cover-up including the building report and the enlarged apartments. After the report was sent, I thought that was the end of their crimes, that the Municipality would do an internal investigation and would refer anyone who acted criminally to the DA's office. Zionism doesn't work that way. Those who are caught while doing a crime double down, there are whole institutions and governments supporting Zionist crimes. Any honest man in the chain of events in the government would foil the plot. Yes, there is an internal investigation bureau within the municipality which, I found out, does not work.
Around that time, I noticed that the manager of Building Inspections at the Municipality, Feyza Baykara, was promoted to be director and a new manager, Kemal Hışman, had replaced her. The former director of Building Inspections, Fahrettin Kayhan, was appointed to another less prominent post. These appointments might be a coincidence. They never informed me, they never apologized, never said a word why they had told so many lies and covered up the report.
It was around that time in summer, my mom came home after a meeting with my sister that she said the building will be demolished. I did not say anything. I was completely left in the dark even though I had a share in the apartment.
Some time in August, Lilya Irem Salman stopped me on the stairs while she was with a guy whose foot was in a cast. She was talking with Nurdan Kivanc while I had passed them by, climbing up the stairs. She said they received a fine notice for the apartment enlargement from the municipality. I replied her that they were a victim. They had bought the apartment from the inheritor of Suleyman Esringu an ex Turkish military (probably Volkan Yenilmez). I told her that I call it the building of crimes. She said don't make us scared. I told her she is a victim and should search the internet for "unlawful in Moda" (Moda'da Hukuksuzluk) and read my page. I also told her she can come ask any questions she might have and I would be glad to answer. She never came.
This is key, and this happens all the time. The other person, public notary Tulay Cihangir, who had bought an apartment in the building had sided with the unlawful management not me.
When a person is criminally duped, that person is offered a way to continue to go on unaffected, within a criminally managed fake peace, if s/he joins forces against the honest person. Most frequently this happens hence the base of people breaking the law constantly increases. One major reason is that there is no trust in justice in Turkey. And there is also no sense of justice in the people here, a District Attorney had once told me in 2015, to my surprise, which I now agree, right after I had filed a criminal complaint against Vodafone, a British Telecom giant which had swindled me, and thousands if not tens of thousands of others without any legal consequence. In Turkey, these criminal complaints are almost never filed under a class action lawsuit, hence no consequences for swindling of the public by big companies, especially banks and telecom companies. Even the district attorney who took my deposition complained about it, because he was personally affected by another telecom company's crooked actions.
Three women, Nurdan Kivanc and Cuneyt Goksu's sister in law Ayse frequently talked to Lilya Irem Salman as could be heard/seen in the apartment hallway. I don't know anything as to the nature of their meetings, I have seen/heard about that a few times in the apartment hallway. Mikael Yardim was also frequently in touch with Lilya İrem Salman who had bought the expensively refurbished apartment.
A while later, my mom after meeting with my sister came home and said "we didn't like the offer, we are at the top floor so we have a higher chance of survival." What are you talking about, mom", I replied, earthquake demolishes all of the building. After that she insisted for a couple of weeks that my sister wants to remodel our bathroom. I replied "what bathroom remodeling, how about the fate of the building." My mom was very angry at me. She insisted for days for bathroom remodeling.
A few weeks later in August, Mikael Yardim's son-in-law, Ari Uygun, called me and I did not answer. He sent me a personal message that "he could not recognize me". He was the one who had called me 2.5 year prior and I had not picked his call then. That's personal from someone I hadn't seen in the last 35 years except on two chance meeting occasions on the street when I had spoken with him for about 2 minutes the last of which had happened 16 years prior. I know him from my youth, though I hadn't talked to him much in my youth either except a few minutes. he was one of the residents/owners of the building.
They had removed me from the building whatsup group I had asked to be established for communication between apartment owners and tenants, they had given me no info about the building dues, and then the only person who calls me is Ari Uygun. This only means one thing, he is the one organizing the calls between apartment owners and wants to talk to me in person whereas I wanted people to discuss openly. This is typical of the Zionist, always making calls to different parties one on one, hence hiding info from each. The whatsup group was launched only upon my request so people would discuss the problems yet, at the first mention of the unlawful, they had closed it to conversations.
I don't do any deals with people behind closed doors, this is a matter that concerns every person in the building and should be discussed openly and collectively. This is one of the tactics Zionists use, as I have indicated earlier, to speak with each person one on one and thereby disabling intergroup communication hence making sure the decisions go through one person or a small group of persons. In this case 5 of the 11 had actively participated, while the rest went along, including my sister too.
Most importantly, truth must be told. Since almost all of them broke the law, though to different levels of seriousness and not all of them had the tenacity to continue to break the law like the manager, he did all the dealmakings and reapt the benefits. This is done on national and global level too. That's one major way they control politics and economy in the West. Small group of people keeping the info to themselves, because it implicates crimes, and manage entire countries not just a small apartment building.
On September 18, while I was walking up the stairs with my mom, her cat of 18 years had died just an hour prior, and we were returning from the vet. We saw Lilya Irem Salman besides an older guy who presented himself as her father (Yavuz Salman). My mom asked whether they were the ones who bought the apartment. In return, he turned towards me and started shouting, someone has contacted the municipality and we will pay a fine, he was directing his anger to me not the Zionist manager, not the person who sold the illegally enlarged apartment but to me. They had joined forces with the people who had duped them. "I have the money I will the pay the fine." he yelled at me. I asked her daughter whether she has read the building report on my webpage, she said yes. Her father continued shouting at me and I kept on walking with mom and yelled after me where are you running away. That's harassment from someone whose crime I have exposed. I responded this is a criminal apartment.
One of the most notable things is that Lilya Irem Salman and his father Yavuz Salman never chose to sue the people who have wronged them, the building management, the inheritor of the Turkish ex-military guy Volkan Yenilmez, nor Mikael Yardim with his Turkish military entrance card in the windshield and his supporters like Cuneyt Goksu, rather joined them in keeping things the unlawful way and the building unsafe. They joined the people who were against not only me but against law and safety. They took the wrong path because it was the easier choice to attack me rather than the zionist. That's very typical, almost standart practice. I have seen almost noone to take the honest road. It does not pay and it gets you in deeper trouble. People worship power, but in Turkey they worship power more.
There was even an instance when the puppet new manager announced some people walked into the boiler room and played with controls of the heating system and maintenance work had to be done. Never said who did it but we were charged a small fee for it. To me, it implicated Lilya İrem Salman with encouragement from Mikael Yardim.
The municipality did not email me after July 17th 2023. Mid-September, 4 months after I was removed, the building manager has added me back to the whatsup group. There was a debt sum for my apartment but no explanation where that sum came from, nor any invoice. I paid it. I also knew they hadn't included the payment I made in April in the payments list back in May, I didn't know if they had corrected it either.
A few days later, in a whatsup message Sebahattin Keskin the manager who replaced Mikael Yardim on paper, wrote that there will be reconstruction work ordered by the Kadikoy Municipality, a euphemism for the illegal enlargements in 5 apartments will be demolished. They also labeled my contacting the municipality a complaint, which is true but actually it is for the benefit of the people who live in the building and it is actually their job. I never wanted to deal with such troubles, home needs to be peaceful. Yet these people ruined peace and damaged the building for money and interest. Akin to looters of Ancient times.
End of September 2023, the demolishment work begun and continued through first 10 days of October. It was called unclogging of the mini atrium space by the manager, another euphemism of course. They never called it demolishment of the illegal enlargements, even at apartment management level they were doing deceitful propaganda.
While the illegal apartment enlargements in the building were demolished which took about two weeks, Mikael Yardim who had dissappeared probably fearing the wrath of some of the owners, has returned to the building on the 6th of October 2023, parked his Jeep with Turkish military card on the windshield. He called me from whatsup. He knew I wasn't answering him since years and not replying to his private messages. Still he called me. I didn't pick up. While the demolishment was taking place in their apartments three women held a meeting in the backgarden with Mikael. I do not know what they were talking about but they had a meeting. Lilya İrem Salman, Nurdan Kivanc and sister-in-law of Cuneyt Goksu, Ayse.
These women two months later would disappear for a week from the building along with the range rover of Mikael Yardim with Turkish Military card right after I filed a criminal complaint.
During demolishment work a fire broke out in Cuneyt Goksu's apartment next door. While there was some odor coming into my apartment I did not know it was a small fire that the people themselves put out until I heard a woman shout loudly "my kitchen burned" multiple times on the street. I walked into the balcony and saw the woman and a small group of people around. While I was looking down to the street, Cuneyt Goksu's sister in law, Ayse, who was on the street looked above and shouted at me "all of this because of you, how dare you look". At that point, a man shouted "come down" with a sign to call for a fight. I told him "don't you want the law to be obeyed". He didn't respond. This happened while the municipality employee was present, watching and not objecting to their behaviour. They did not blame the illegal costruction or the wrongful demolishment (by architect Hasan Yazici and his team) which actually caused the fire but they blamed me for reporting the illegal enlargements. Another instance of lack of sense of justice, and group attack against me, the lone guy. Cuneyt Goksu stuck with Mikael till the very end, even when Mikael's unlawful acts were well documented by official municipality reports and he himself had an illegally enlarged apartment.
At that point, I didn't know what they did the with the building report which concerned whole building. Would they get a university report finally or were they gonna cover it up again. Since that they were already caught covering up the report I thought it less likely that the municipality to double down with the illegal.
Months passed and no word from the municipality or the building management.
Mikael had said years back he doesn't have anything to do with lawyers.
I wrote many lawyers including some from the commissions in Construction Workgroup of the Istanbul Bar Association, and from lawyer lists on websites. None has replied. I wrote communist lawyers who defended people's rights and were sensitive in eartquake safety matters, they did not respond. Noone was interested. Not one reply.
The apartment that was put on sale before the demolishment of the illegal enlargement was sold afterwards. I don't know if the new owner knew anything about the building report.
The woman in the next building who complained about Mikael a year prior, was parking her car in the parking spot controlled by Mikael asking keys from the restaurant opposite our building, Muutto. Smallest bit of personal interest makes people do U-turns in return for favors from the people they despise. Mikael wants to make as many people as possible depend on him by breaking the laws. This enables him to gather more people against me. Long I thought banksters were managing the egos of the people by way of money. The parking lot whose key was changed by Roy the grandson of Mikael was also given to the Muutto restaurant owner, a commercial enterprise. I do not know what they were getting in return.
State Level Injustice: Finally I filed a Criminal Complaint and Updated my website with the Palestinian Flag
On November 24, 2023 I updated my page with more truth explaining in detail, the unlawful acts, naming names and published it with a Palestinian flag on top, with the words,"against imperialism, capitalism, Zionism, I stand with the Palestinian people. Stop the genocide of children!" I was already tweeting against the genocide, this was an extra venue for expressing myself. Even though the site did not have visitors, the people in the municipality, judiciary and building who click on my site link would see it. I went to the DA and was told I had to wait for an hour and a half because the DA's were having a meeting. I returned home and went back again one week later.
After months of waiting for the cover-up to end, and no news from neither the municipality nor the building management, I have filed a criminal complaint at the DA office with over 50 pages of evidence covering the crimes of the municipality and the building management as well as the apartment owners. I basically wanted the official report to be redeemed as it legally should have been, either the building brings a University report that shows it is safe to live in or the building will lose its licence and demolished and reconstructed. Since the University Report was requested within a month and the building had not provided, the building was unfit to live in per the official report, and it should have been legally declared so.
There was a man in the DA's office other than the DA who asked me questions, said the apartment owners must have formed a block against me and I had replied yes they have. And then with the approval of the DA he sent me to Special Bureau which investigates crimes of government employees. There, they gave me a case number and received my complaint of one page and a half but did not ask for the evidence file, saying you can give that later. The official there also said the investigation could take three to four months, and I did not respond, then said it could take a year. He also said in order to file a complaint against others including the apartment owners and the management you need to go back to the DA office which I went. The first thing DA Sibel Güngör said was "why did they sent you here?" I replied I was told for people other than government employees I had to file here. Then I made the short deposition where I said I repeat my criminal complaint that I had already given and also gave the case number from the office of Special Bureau. I presented her my 1.5 page long criminal complaint and more than 50 pages of written evidence. That was on December 1, 2023.
Only three days later, on Monday, Mikael Yardim again pulled his vehicle from our parking lot and Ayse, Cuneyt Goksu's sister-in-law and the owner of the apartment downstairs from Cuneyt Goksu's apartment, Lilya Irem Salman, both of whom had harassed me because the illegal enlargement of their apartments were demolished as a result of my complaint, left the building. I knew, because one is next door and the other just one below it and the building has no sound isolation at all, both the apartments went silent. These 5 apartment owners, (Mikael's daughter Belinda Günter had 2) were acting collectively in their illegal deeds along with the puppet manager Sebahattin Keskin and his company, Denge Site Management. They returned on Sunday two days after the DA had unlawfully dismissed my criminal complaint as I later learned. How did they know that I filed a criminal complaint about them but more importantly that an unlawful conservatorship case was filed against me the next day and accepted by the judge 4 days later on Friday.
On December 11, I received a call from the Kadikoy Rihtim police station informing me that a conservatorship case has been filed. I couldn't understand what this case meant for minutes. When I finally understood what it was about, I asked the police "who has done this"? She replied she didn't know anything but she said she could give me a case number.
Then I got the case number, I called the lawyer who had represented me along with my sister and mother on a previous case. My mom and my sister had filed a court case stating my dad was insane when he had given the right of use of one of the two apartments we had inherited from him and lost. I had to join the lawsuit the lawyer had said, and I told him I would reject the lie that my father was insane and only accept the lawsuit if you use the correct argument that the apartment transfer was not done according to correct procedure. That lawyer Serkan Dincol checked it online said "Normally they would scan and put the decree online, but they did not. So all you have to do is to go to court on May 21, 2024."
I waited for the official notification from the court but since I had not received it, I went to the police station for further info. The policewoman at the legal department saw me and said you look great, I checked the hospital records and could not see anything about you. I replied "what hospital are you talking about" as I was very suprised. I said I exercise regularly, take care of my 88 years old mom by myself. She said I have no explanation to give you as they did not send anything in the attachment. That's what the former lawyer had said as well, nothing as an explanation. I told the three police officers in the room that I had filed a criminal complaint about the municipality and the next business day the DA had filed for my placement into conservatorhip. The police did not reply, though she seemed puzzled.
Finally my official notice for conservatorship case had arrived. They had sent me back my short deposition and my criminal complaint of 1.5 pages. No other files and no decree. It was a surprise. Special Bureau for government employee investigation had accepted my complaint and given me a case number, while the same complaint which is about the people in the apartment which also contained files exposing criminal conduct of the municipality was sent back without any explanation.
They had not posted this notice in the judiciary network, UYAP, that's why neither the lawyer nor the police could see it. I didn't know what to make of it, because my criminal complaint was well written, the DA, Sibel Güngör, who took my deposition at the regular office had said so without me asking.
And the letter for the dismissal of my criminal complaint arrived after I received the conservatorship notice. This was just two lines of text which said :
"The complainant added unrelated document/communication to the evidence files making his claims baseless, most of his claims require administrative investigation, his claims are totally baseless and abstract".
You can see that the dismissal contains two big contraditions in a row which should not be in any normal sentence, let alone in a DA's official dismissal verdict. First, he starts by saying that my claims are baseless, then continues that most of my claims require administrative investigation which means they are concrete and serious, and then calls them totally abstract and baseless.
There is even more. Huseyin Onelge, the prosecutor who wrote the unlawful dismissal, refers to administrative investigations which means he refers me back to the Municipality, but that is unlawful, because in both my criminal complaint and deposition I have specifically stated that I filed many complaints with the Municipality asking for administrative investigations and also added copies of my email messages as evidence, and I had waited for 6-8 months already, even though the deadline for the delivery of the University Report was only one month, but the Municipality did not respond. I had nothing else to do but to contact the DA's office. Yet, the DA still referred me back to the Municipality.
Huseyin Onelge also knew that the Chief Prosecutor's Office had already opened a case against the Mayor because the case number was on my deposition and he had received the same complaint as the Chief Prosecutor's Office Special Bureau. Therefore he could not have dismissed the case, especially by stating my allegations were completely baseless and abstract, because a criminal case was already opened with the same complaint. It is of course weird that one has to file at two different offices in the same building for the same criminal complaint one for state employees and another at regular DA's office.
The dismissal was written on December 8th. That same day the DA office's request for my conservatorship was accepted. So if my complaint was not unlawfully dismissed the judge would not have been able to accept the case against me. Moreover the DA had written that my claims were totally baseless and abstract in an apparent attempt to encourage the judge to accept the conservativeship case which is unlawful because it aims to silence me and to cover up the crimes of the Municipality and the people in the apartment who have collectively conspired to cover up the report thereby putting our lives including my own at risk.
Because of the conservatorship suite, I did not file an objection to the unlawful dismissal, because if they could attack me with a unlawful conservatorship lawsuit, they could also dismiss my objection automatically.
Moreover, there was zero evidence of my mental inability that would start a case under any circumstances. I repeat under any circumstances. I never harmed others or myself, never have been in a mental institution, there is no medical report to support any of this. I haven't spoken to people in the apartment in years, only exchanged some text messages necessary for building administration.
If they cannot get a university report showing that the building is safe to inhabit then the building should be demolished as the report requires, for reconstruction afterwards. I don't have any money for reconstruction, I would simply sell my share and leave, leave Turkey for good.
Why would I have to be forced to live in a building that is unfit for living and will be destroyed in the earthquake? Why would I need to go through the conservatorship ordeal because I filed a criminal complaint?
On December 4, 2023 an earthquake of moderate strength 5.2, struck a bit far from Istanbul, the building shook lightly for a few seconds, and my mom panicked and came to me and then called my sister. That day I tweeted to the now former mayor Serdil Dara Odabasi and the municipality that the earthquake that is expected to hit Istanbul will be much bigger, much closer and over 7, as all experts agree. They never replied to my tweets, per usual. Hitting a wall of silence. Every single time.
On January 13, 2024 the building management sent a message on Whatsup group saying that the municipality report was received for the first time on 26.12.2023. Another boldface lie. It was the second time, the first being on 17.7.2023 as the email Municipality had sent me proves. Since that report required delivery of a University Report within a month with threat of legal action, the Municipality had to write a second letter.
What's more, when they received the report they should have informed the apartment owners by law, but they did not. The apartment owners must have complained about this to the management but they did not and this is proof that all of them were in on it together. One lawyer and one notary public are among apartment owners. 10 of 11 apartment in the building plus my sister who owns shares in the apartment I live in with my mom. I was trying to protect my life and they were breaking the law for money and self-interest. The striking thing is that I was the only one with no money. All others had money, some many apartments, they were greedy.
The building management had stated they had fixed the problem by addressing the issues underlined in the report. Another lie. The official report explicitly states that if after the University report is delivered and any reinforcement can be done, then such reinforcement can only be done with a reinforcement licence.
It is all in plain Turkish, no need to be an engineer or a technical court expert. The management should have asked for written permission from the apartment owners before doing any construction work.
The report and the accompanying letter clearly asks for University tests, building performance tests to resolve doubts cast over the structural integrity of the building.
Moreover, it is proof of the apartment's conspiracy with the municipality because the municipality did not notify me, the person who has uncovered all these violations of law, instead chose to do backroom deals with apartment owners.The municipality knew the building management had broken the laws as proven by their own official report.
The Municipality's Building Inspections Department already covered up the report twice, this is proven, now it uses a more dangerous coverup by making people think that there is a repair that gives false confidence which makes this cover-up the most criminal. In an attempt to close the case they have let the building to call it a repair, in complete contradiction to the official report they have sent and had to abide by.
Moreover, there is no few hundred dollars repair that could resolve the structural integrity doubts, for if there was they could have done it a year ago instead of covering it up twice by going at great lengths with extreme stubbornness.
The fact that they had to do a cover up mentioned as repair also proves that something had to be done which proves once more that they had acted illegally in the last 10 months with their two previous coverups.
Apartment enlargements also are a problem for structural integrity under dynamic loads such as the earthqueakes. In fact the column truss connection was broken below the right section of the apartment where such enlargements were made.
Moreover the people who do not enlarge their apartments pay more for heating as heating expenses are collective for the building.
In March 2024, the term of the management team of the apartment who has been proven to break the law was extended for one year. Only three people out of eleven did not sign it. Lawyer Birsen Malkoc, Public Notary Tulay Cihangir and me. However these two had paid for the the cover-up repair whose details and invoice were never presented to the apartment owners which means I was the only one who followed the law.
When the court date was approaching, I tweeted the details about the case including the official building report that was covered up.
Before the court date, on May 16, I went to the Russian consulate in Istanbul to learn about migration opportunities. I was suspecting the judiciary would confine me in a mental instittion. In fact, there was an interesting comment from one of our mutual acquaintances that my sister tried to put me in a mental institution which was my gut feeling months before the trial. The conservativeship lawsuit by the DA might have prevented that as she filed for conservatorship. Moreover in the days after my filing a criminal complaint some people in the apartment were surprised to see me around, and acted like they had seen a ghost.
I had been learning Russian for two years and looking for job opportunities online in Russia, even though my Russian was not yet up to the task. I had received one job offer but it seemed inappropriate because the company was doing advertising/affiliate program for sex sites. They said they can employ me in another department but I declined. My hundred plus requests for jobs were never answered. There is more, I had specifically stated that I had been fighting capitalism and imperialism for many years and noone cared. I wasn't expecting much comraderie to tell the truth, but received none.
On the telegram channels, I had put on my profile that I am looking for a job in Russia and wanted to move there and noone was interested even though I had been posting very frequently pro Russian comments and more so than many Russians. I only received a suggestion to help with my Russian from one person, that's all in over two years. I had received a positive reply from a Russian who was sharing occasionally Israeli news on his Telegram channel. I didn't want to collaborate with him. This was a month before October 7th 2023, start of the most violent episode of the Palestinian genocide by Israel. I was aware of Russian Isrealis like the founder of Yandex and top management who fled Russia for Israel after the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine.
At the Istanbul consulate door I told a Turkish woman employee that I wanted to learn about migration opportunities she replied whether I was seeking asylum, I said yes and she gave me a piece of paper with the email address of the consulate, you should send email here. Sent email, received no reply.
DAY IN COURT May 21, 2023
I went to the court, the judge immediately at the opening of the session asked "which hospital would you like to get your report from?" Without asking any questions or saying anything else. I told judge, the case is for coverup and unlawful. And then proceeded to show the dismissal of the DA which was the basis for the court case that even the DA had written most of my claims were serious enough to require administrative investigation which proves that my mental faculties are allright, no man with lacking mental faculties could have even made one claim that requires an investigation, let alone most of them. I also gave him two files of evidence, one of which detailed why my mom and sister cannot legally file for a conservatorship case. At that time, I didn't know who filed for conservatorship and what evidence, if any, they had against me.
I also said the DA must have started an investigation. I added my mental faculties are fine and I reject to go to the hospital for an exam, you would need to send me there by police force. So he decreed by law that I will be required to get a mental faculties report with police escort. That line of reasoning by the judge is completely false because the case itself is for covering up crimes and had no basis, therefore continuation of the case is continuation of the crime. He should have never accepted the case, but when I presented the evidence he should have considered to end the case, at least to adjourn it.
I have noticed that when a major crime is initially committed the government employees continue as if it was legal therefore continue perpetuating the crime.
4 things have happened in concert within three weeks of my contacting DA's office on December 1, 2023.
- They could not have filed for a conservativeship lawsuit against me if the DA had not unlawfully dismissed my complaint
and even the contradictory choice of words in the dismissal proves it. The Special Bureau for Government employee might have questioned the people who filed for my conservatorship as the Municipality doesn't break the law just because it can, there are people behind it.
- My US citizen sister joined those who were found guilty of illegal construction because of my complaint, making her an accomplice.
- And the judge had not accepted the case based on existing evidence, though I could have been institutionalized by my sister.
- The municipality had not covered their own official report for the third time
Who could have done all of this and why? Who would benefit from it all? The case is a clear violation of my constitutional rights of freedom and property ownership and puts my life at risk in order to coverup the crimes of some individuals.
A day after the court, the polite policewoman from the Kadikoy Rihtim station called me after the day at court. We met at the psychiatric hospital for the appointment she had set up for May 24, 2024.
Normally, one would have to have prior incriminating medical records, hospital records or events maybe of unlawful nature, or an acute mental health crisis where intervention is necessary to have a court case against a person for receivership/conservatorship based on mental inaptitude. I had none of that. There was zero evidence against me to open such a case. All I did was to file a criminal complaint with the judiciary based on written evidence.
I went to the Russian Consulate again on the morning of my forced mental exam. I tweeted that I risked being institutionalized. At the consulate door the same woman said you should wait for an email, and immediately closed the door like the last time. That email never came. I returned home and departed soon after for the exam.
I talked to the psychiatrist for about 15 minutes, answered all her questions and also indicated that it was unlawful that I was sent there. I showed her the court docs, she read them while I told her the fact that most of my claims required administrative investigation was proof that I didn't have a mental inaptitude. Some time into our conversation she said she needed to talk to her superior. Then came back, I don't know why she did that. After coming back she had a long standart print list of items which included Rorschach, MMPI and other stuff like court materials and others. I had told her that a neurologist acquaintance had told me I was going to face a jury of 4 psychiatrists and 1 neurologists. She replied that's gonna be later. I was thinking I was gonna face the medical jury at that time and get over it, instead of one psychiatrist. She could have simply ended the investigation there and declare my mental aptitude was OK by inviting a neurologist as the court order requires both.
At the end of the conversation she asked me to call the policewoman and I did, when the police entered the room and I was standing up ready to leave, I told the doctor you are standing ice cold, show some empathy in a demanding manner, to which the policewoman immediately intervened and said they both did show empathy.
The court had not sent the documents showing why I was there. The doctor wanted to protect herself by following a procedure. It was the duty of the court to send all documents to the hospital before my forced visit and the court had 6 months until next court appearance. Even then her duty was to report what she saw and that I had my mental aptitude allright. Also note that this is not a mental health check which would require tests, this is mental aptitude test whether I can lead my life on my own. It is not actually a psychiatric question, because the law states mental capacity and legal documents state whether the person can lead his own life without help or protection.
All of this, are against human rights, violations of my basic rights, this I had told the doctor during our conversation. After I left the room, I went to register for a Rorschach test appointment in another building as ordered and then for a urine test to a drug test center on campus but they did not take a sample because they were closing at 2 pm, I was there late. I never did drugs.
I returned home and was walking towards my home and the woman who had said her kitchen had burned during demolishment work fingerpointed me at a man, "this maniac contacted the municipality and caused my kitchen to burn". I said what, she said I am talking to my son, to which I did not answer and turned around and walked away. It was the woman from next door building, to whom sister in law of Cuneyt Goksu, Ayse, fingerpointed me as the responsible of the fire. I was wearing a suite and had shopped at the market nearby where I usually buy grocceries. Normally I wear casual, mostly shorts and tshirts and the young worker who I used to chat with said you look like prime minister. That happened 5 minutes before that woman called me a maniac.
A few days later, I received a call from the hospital for scheduling for Rorschach test which I delayed. I checked Wikipedia in English and saw the inkblots and their meanings. It is a pscyhological test not related to mental faculties, and I agreed with its detractors that it was pseudoscience. They called from the hospital again two weeks later and I asked if it is ethical that I do the test since I know the answers. She didn't answer. Then I asked her again to ask the doctor. She said I am just a messenger. Ok, then the doctor can call me and I would be glad to talk. The doctor never called. Two weeks later, another one called from the hospital again for Rorshach scheduling, I asked the same, whether it is ethical to do the test if I knew the answers she said in order to get the report you need to do the test. She then told me you need to do MMPI. I said I dont know about that let me check Wikipedia. And she said ok, I'll call back. She called 10 minutes later and I told her that's a personality test, how dare you ask me to do a personality test? This has nothing to do with mental faculties. She said in order to get the report you need to do this. I said how about another hospital Haydarpasa, do they also require this test? She said our procedures are this way. She evaded direct answer, she would know that famous hospital. OK, I said how do I get a report from that hospital, she said you need to ask the court. It does not matter which hospital I get that report from but I sure don't want to go through more, it is already a criminal case.
On June 8th 2023, Kemal Kaya, a lawyer who knows me since 50 years, because he was the husband of my mom's best friend whom I called aunt Meral, phoned me.
I told him very briefly the story, that I cannot sell my shares in the apartment without knowing it is safe to live in. At least one person sold his apartment under these conditions. Kemal Kaya said he would expect that kind of behavior from the people in Turkey in a resenting voice. I didn't ask "how about the people who join forces against his own brother with those who broke the law and put his life in danger and then using the unlawful court case to force me to live there and silence me and even tried to put me in a mental hospital".
He said the DA would not have filed the case by himself, a few people from the apartment and Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayalioglu might have done it, he said. Do you talk to her he asked. No I said she is evil. He said you need to get a mental aptitude report as soon as possible, then you can sue them. What about the building safety I asked. He did not answer. How did he know all that?
I noticed that months later Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayalioglu deleted 6 of her slanderous whatsup messages to me, I deleted none.. She did that after filing for my conservatorship which I have no info on because it is not on my file. I never deleted any of my private or public corresponance in the 30 years I am on the internet. If I make a mistake it's my mistake, because I never act in bad faith.
Yet she did not delete the message where she said I was evil, treachourous, etc. Now, that's projection but why didn't she delete it like her other messages. She could not have contacted for my receivership because the first two things they look for in such cases whether the person filing has animosity or if there is a conflict of interest with the eprson. She has both and that whatsup message is part of the written evidence. I took screenshots of some of her messages some of the deleted ones might be in them. She deleted them many months later, so it was a conscientous decision.
There is no question of my sister's involvement but she cannot control the municipality, Justice Ministry, or the Interior Ministry. It takes too many connections and state level organization to do that. Moreover, even the Construction Ministry did not respond to my tweets when I tweeted them the official report and the coverup evidence. Mind you, these are all Kadikoy Municipality's written documents. They did not need my deposition, anyone can file a criminal complaint against the Kadikoy Municipality based on these written documents. All the Construction Ministry had to do was to look at the official documents I tweeted them twice.
When for years I had told my sister to take legal action against the building management she declined saying court cases would take years to end. However, when I had filed a criminal complaint against the building management, apartment owners and the municipality, to protect my own life, the very next business day she had filed a conservatorship lawsuit against me, I presume. I still have not seen the evidence.
By the way, my mom said she was very rich, I don't think so, as my mom's understanding of very rich is owning couple of apartments and some money in the bank, car etc. So no, but certainly they have stuff.
One thing I had noticed my mom anxiously questioned me when I went out dressed in suit, insistingly asking where I was going. She was the one I told about my filing the criminal complaint just after returning from the DA office on December 1, 2023, and an hour later she had met with my sister. On the 4th, just the next business day, DA office had filed a suite with a request for my conservatorship. I never ask mom what they are talking about with my sister, I don't care. In the months ahead she questioned me where I was I going when I put on a suite and went out.
She was sending support money to my mom and I was using her account to pay for basic living expenses. The amount she sent was less than one tenth I had sent my mom for 15 years and at least 7-8 years of that period she was living with my mom. By the way, I did not even want to receive a dime from her, I had sent them money for free but I wanted either to rent or sell the apartment and live elsewhere which my elderly mom did not want. So just to let my mom live in the apartment I had to accept to stay where we were. I never wanted to receive any money from her, and never gave her my account number. She sent it to my mom as I was using part of my mom's salary from my late father whom I had supported by paying rent for 4 years.And there is even more, my aunt wanted to gift her expensive apartment to me as inheritance and my mom did not want it, so I declined my late aunt's offer which my sister took half the inheritance.
My sister is fixated on mental health, she has issues herself. After my father's death she and my mom had sued my father's partner for the apartment he had given rights of use with the patently false claim that my father did not have mental faculties. I have so many times objected to this and to our lawyer but our lawyer said your mom and sister wants it that way. They lost the case after 6 years of legal battle and rightly so. It was shameful that they would resort to such a tactic, they were even warned in court by a judge friend of my late father to respect his memory. That's a finished court case as example.
I had so many times asked my sister to help me declutter the house as my mom had amassed too much stuff in rooms including bedroom but she never once came. I asked her to bring a meal once a week, she said I have a family, she declined. After the inspection she was angry at me that I contacted the Municipality for my safety, I said I have nothing to talk to you. Some time later she started knocking on my door like crazy, telling me she has shares in the apartment and will have the apartment sold and I would be homeless picking garbage. I would not be homeless, I would take my money and leave Turkey and she knew.
I took care of my depressed narcisistic senile mom on psych drugs for 5 years on my own and my sister was very happy she didn't have to do anything while I endured daily abuse. Now she was threatening me. She also told me I had become schizophrenic.
I had met my high school friend Han, after 15 years, who was a friend of both the husband of my sister and me and lives in Silicon Valley. Within first 10 minutes he told me I heard you lost your marbles. That was in January 2020. Needless to say that was my sister and husband in action, we did not have any other common contact. I reprimanded him, told him about my political struggles, then we chatted couple of hours over beer, and he said I shook him. That's not only me she was targeting. And when his husband claimed she was the one crazy, I had defended her.
The people who filed for conservatorship or testified against me are actually those who I named as suspects in my criminal complaint and/or mentioned in evidence files a day prior. More importantly, they are found guilty of breaking the law, by illegally enlarging their apartments and paid fines, for this reason they are resentful against me for contacting the municipality. Moreover they couldn't have filed for my conservatorship as they are not related.
Moreover, two of them have actually harassed me as I mentioned in my complaint. Since when those who break the law can file for conservatorship suite against those who outed their criminal acts?
There are actually 6 legal reasons she cannot file for such a court case. The people who were found guilty of apartment enlargement and paid fines because of my complaint filed for my conservatorship along with my sister.
In June 2024, Asias hotel owner, charged for being responsible for the death of 72 people in the 2023 earthquake, defended himself in court by saying he had fought in Cyprus War. It is a frequent occurance in Turkey people defending their crimes with such rhetoric when in fact their military service had nothing to do with the crime.
Overall, in hindsight, 4/5 of the 11 apartments were directly responsible for the troubles I endured because I cared for the law and the safety of the building, the rest knowingly went along for their own interests. Mikael Yardim with two apartments belonging to his daughter Belinda Gunter, his son-in-law Ari, and his grandson Roy all broke the building codes even though none of them lived in the building.They acted collectively as family. Cuneyt Goksu and his sister-in law Ayse also did act collectively. So did Nurdan Kivanc and her sister. All collective actions protecting the code violations and crimes.
Lilya Irem Salman (the apartment sold by the inheritor of the Turkish ex military guy who Suleyman Esringu, Volkan Yenilmez) and his father Yavuz Salman acted in unison to defend their interest to keep the unlawful status quo that endangers the lives of the people in the building. My sister Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayalioglu always worked against me for her own monetary interest putting my life at risk and cooperated with them, and in the end I learned she even conspired with them to take my constitutional rights of freedom and ownership away by filing for conservatorship with those who broke the law and also covered-up the report. Needless to say this was to silence me.
These people only sided with the Turkish military connected, even when they were wronged by them, and against the righteous and lawful who they saw a solitary weak 58 years old man.
And doubling down on crimes, they continued on municipal and then state level. Zionists rely on their government control even on smallest scale illegal acts. That's where their confidence comes from, and it is the reason they always double down.
At the opening session the judge had asked for my choice of hospital. I didn't want to go the hospital as my mental faculties are fine and the case itself was illegal. Since Erenkoy had a long list of procedures and especially pyschological tests which I see as unrelated, I wanted to check whether another famous hospital required the same tests.
So, I went to Haydarpasa Poliklinik to ask for a mental competence report. I explained the doctor that for a court case I was sent to Erenkoy psychiatric hospital but declined to take the Rorschach and personality tests as they are not related to mental aptitude to lead one's life. The doctor said these are psychiatric tests and mental aptitude is a whole different thing.That's exactly what I was saying, so she confirmed it. In his statement, the judge explicitly asked the hospital whether I needed a guardian.
On September 5th, 2024 I went to see the documents in my conservatorship court filing. The clerk said the file was rather empty. I took copies from the judge's clerk and not unexpectedly had plenty of evidence of injustice. The case was filed by the DA herself on ground that my claims were not believable and a copied and pasted law section that concerns juveniles and an unrelated name to me Nurcan Akturk was also there. I asked the clerk about this and she said if your citizenship number is correct than it must be you. DA filed this when I had submitted official municipality documents to prove my case. Moreover the other DA which had dismissed it had suggested that the claims required administrative inestigation. DA's were not only contradicting each other but also within their own two three lines of text. Moreover the judge had not put the DA's dismissal file in my court case nor my complaint and deposition which was the reason the case was filed. It should have been there because the case was opened solely because of my criminal complaint and the DA's dismissal contained that the case needed administrative investigation. Moreover judge had written that the case was related to social order hence could be closed at any moment. The judge's initial decision why he accepted the case was never sent to me either by ınternet which my ex lawyer and police had confirmed back then. Moreover they also did not sent me by post either. I was sent to special investigations unit but never had heard from them either. I knew nothing about my own case. I had counted at least 6 actions of the judiciary was againt the law. Since municipality hhad to sent a second notice withhout even mentioning the first one it is proven by the municipality's own documents thhat thhey had broken the law and misused their power.
Therefore the whole case of mental acuity is proven to be a false case to cover up forthe municipality.
Probably there were two filings against me one by the state and one by those who had broken the law and my sister. I do not know where her filing is. My dossier only contains the one by the state.
In the mean time, after the court case against me I tweeted to my sister and Cuneyt Goksu with written proofs about the criminal acts in the building a few times and they did not respond.
I had updated my webpage before filing for a criminal complaint by saying if the Judiciary acts then it would help Istanbul Earthquake safety. The judiciary acted in the other direction.
On September 30, 2024, I received a postal notification from Chief Prosecutor's Office from the Istanbul Anatolian District. It was a surprise, I did not expect it. I thought they had buried my criminal complaint with that office long ago. It was as expected a dismissal. At first I was undecided whether to publish an objection online or file a formal objection. I decided to file a formal objection too and filed on October 8, 2024. My objection is actually an indictement of Turkey because it comprises Justice Ministry, Interior Ministry and the local mayorship. I should have added Climate, Enviroment and Construction Ministry as well as they did not respond to my tweets with proof of criminal action by the municipality as proven by their official covered up report.
While I had filed a complaint with Special Bureau, I never heard from them since. I thought like the other DA they immediately dismissed or never processed my file.
There are Tsunami warning signs placed by the Kadikoy Municipality in 2 or 3 locations in Moda but they do hide their own official report written by honest engineers working there, hence putting people's life at great risk. Everything is about the image not about doing the lawful and necessary. These signs are less than 1 km away from my home.
He disappeared for couple of months. He didn't park his jeep with military entrance card, he walked in. I came across him at the building entrance he said hello, I passed him by without saying anything. When I was at the corner of the street, before turning I looked back, he was there still looking at me. A few days later Lilya Irem Salman said hello, and I passed her by.