Home - EndCapitalism.org By Mehmet Kurtkaya Mehmet Kurtkaya - Telegram X /Twitter @mkurtkaya 16.5.2024 Last Update 24.6.2024 My Struggle against a Zionist building manager and the apartment owners who support him in his illegal actions, as well as the Kadikoy, Istanbul Municipality and Judiciary in Turkey for my own safety and those who live in the building3 years ago, I tweeted I don't want to live in Turkey and fixed it on my profile.Today, it's an emergency because Turkey and the local Istanbul municipality forces me to live in a coffin-building which will be demolished in the anticipated Istanbul Earthquake. Since I am an honest man, I cannot put anybody's life in danger, I can't sell my share in the apartment. I am seeking asylum in an anti-imperialist country. = Short Summary: Since 2020, I have been complaining about major legal violations in the building I live in, including those concerning structural safety of the building.These violations were done for money/self interest by the Zionist building manager, his family and 9 of the 11 apartment owners in the building, which later on became 10/11. I warned them in writing on Whatsup apartment group, in response they doubled-down. Mikael Yardım, the manager, put an old Turkish military entrance card and kept going. In Istanbul the probability of a major earthquake until 2030 is as high as 60% according to top seismologist. Finally, after the devastating earthquake in Turkey, on March 8, 2023, I contacted Kadikoy Istanbul Municipality for building safety inspection.The official report which required the building to provide a University Report within a month in order to allow residency was covered-up! In 5 apartments the municipality had illegal constructions demolished yet continued to illegally dismiss its own official building safety report. I filed a criminal complaint on December 1, 2023 and the next business day those in the apartment building whom I named in the evidence files as suspects and their collaborators (including my sister) contacted the District Attorney for my placement into conservatorship. Turkish State not only dismissed my complaint but also accepted the suspects' and their collaborators' case against me thereby putting my life at risk and infringing upon my most basic human rights of freedom and ownership. The People Involved The Zionist building manager Mikael Yardım and his family members Belinda Günter, Ari Uygun and Roy have violated building codes for money and self interest, and at least 9 of the 11 apartment owners went along because they themselves had violated the codes for their self interest including Cuneyt Goksu who works for IBM in Germany and brought Mikael Yardim to the building 10 years ago. The illegal construction which enlarged his apartment was demolished by the Kadikoy Municipality following my complaint. Moreover, my American dual citizen sister Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayalioglu cooperated with those who broke the law and damaged the building because her husband parks his car free on the building park. That's also against building codes. The key here is the structural safety of the building which is in doubt per official municipality report prepared by two civil engineers. The Official Municipality Report required a University Report on structural safety of the building within a month to allow residency, stated failure to provide the said report will require legal action against the building. Other key people involved are Sebahattin Keskin building manager and his company Denge Site Yonetimi,, ex civil servant Nurdan Kivanç, Cuneyt Goksu's sister in law Ayse, Lilya Irem Salman and his father Yavuz Salman, Lawyer Birsen Malkoç, Notary Public Tulay Cihangir, Pinar Erzen, Arman Eseyan. That's on apartment side. Then there is the municipality. The last piece of written evidence is the fact that all voted in favor of the term extension of the management who has damaged one of the columns of the building and hidden the other truss/column breakage and twice covered up the report. After the dismissal of my complaint by the District Attorney the repirt was sent to the building again. The management explicitly refused to provide the University Report that was required, yet said repaired damages in order to con people. The structure of the building is in question, that's why a University Report is required. I am risking being incarcerated into a mental institution if the court decides so, on the first appearance of being placed into conservativeship tomorrow 21.5.2024 for my struggle. Reason? Asking for compliance with law for the safety of the building I live in. Yes only that because the violations are made by a Zionist. The others went along. Note 23.6.2024. I was not interned in a mental institution. I told judge the case itself is unlawful and intented to cover-up the crime of covering up the official building report. I gave judge all the written evidence including official municipality report and written correspondance with the municipality proving many times over the illegal acts of both the building manager and the apartment owners but also that of the municipality and the district attorney's unlawful dismissal of the case. Still I was ordered to speak to a psychiarist and I did. I showed her the DA's dismissal and court document and the case is unlawful. She took note that the District Attorney wrote most of my claims required administrative investigation. After I answered her questions, she said she needed to talk to a superior and wuen she caje back she gave me a checklist. I was ordered a Rorscach test and urine sample in the drug abuse center, Never did drugs and noone can claim otherwise. I've read about it on Wikipedia including pics, meanings and frequent answers. It's a pyschological test which has nothing to do about mental acuity. The mental hospital called for scheduling and I asked them whether I can take the test because I know all the answers, they did not say anything. A month after the devastating earthquake in Southeastern Turkey in February 2023, I contacted local municipality in Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey regarding structural problems hidden (and created as it turned out) by an old Zionist building manager called Mikael Yardim who had placed a 1980s private car entrance decal for Turkish Military when I had pointed out to his building code violations and asked him to leave. Istanbul is in a major earthquake zone, and the probability for a major earthquake until 2030 is as high as 60% according to top seismologist. Therefore in Istanbul old buildings need to be checked and reconstructed if necessary. It should have been a routine technical building inspection and followup. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a total nightmare and an attack against my most basic human rights. The apartment is run with Zionist tricks and constant lies. 6 of the 11 apartments in the building were illegally enlarged by their greedy owners creating a good opportunity for blackmail and threats for the Zionist manager, evidenced by the fact that I was the only one in the apartment to demand compliance with law. Many owners were renting out their apartments including the manager Zionist Mikael Yardım and did not care if the old building in a risky area of Istanbul is destroyed in an earthquake. They cared about their money and avoiding the costs of reconstruction of the 50 year old building constructed to much low standarts than today's. Every single time I had pointed out to the irregularities in the building, the manager/apartment owners had doubled down for 3 years, covering up unlawful acts with bigger ones. I did not know who the manager was as I had moved in with my now 88 years old mom a few years back as I had spent all my own money to fight the system, capitalism/imperialism. Yandex search showed him to be tied two companies which apparently did business in the defence sector in Turkey. No google search results showed up for him. The Kadikoy Istanbul municipality and the apartment owners are pro main opposition party CHP which is a fake, Zionist opposition to Erdogans party and designed after the US Democratic Party. Erdogan's AKP is also Zionist similar to the US Republican Party. The municipality and the apartment manager and the apartment owners in the building have covered up the report written by honest municipality engineers who listed column damages and required the apartment to present a university report within 1 month proving the structural integrity of the building in order for people to continue residing in it, otherwise legal action would be taken. The report also proved building code violations of the Zionist manager and other apartment owners. These damages affect the structural integrity of the building per official municipality report. The report was sent to me by one department within the municipality months after coverup, thanks to my blogging the violations. The building is a reflection of Turkey, I had written in the page where I was listing legal violations and the general conduct in the apartment I post all the written evidence of wrongdoing there. I updated my webpage where I was I blogging about the building with a Palestinian flag and written "I stand with Palestinian people against Zionism/Capitalism/Imperialism, Stop the Genocide of Children" on top of the page in 24 November 2024. This is the least I could do, in addition to tweeting and writing comments under Jackson Hinkle's Telegram and Rumble posts. And soon after, I filed a legal complaint with the Istanbul Kartal District Attorney's office including the link of my blog page with the Palestinian flag on top, along with 60+ pages of written evidence, District Attorney not only dismissed my complaint unlawfully but also filed for my placement into conservatorship solely based on that unlawful dismissal. A punishment for uncovering the building code violations and the coverup of the official report by the apartment owners and the municipality and the safety risks associated with the building. My sister, Zeynep Kurtkaya Kayalioglu who is an extremely selfish, money worshipping person and a naturalized American citizen had phone contact with the Zionist manager because they are parking their car in the parking lot of the building. She was against me contacting the municipality for building inspection. I, on the other hand, tried to secure the safety of the people including my own and my elderly mom who I take care of since 6 years. Conservativeship lawsuits are filed by relatives but for this one I received my DA criminal complaint documents back as the only basis. I have no way of knowing how this happened but it is a big punishment because I revealed the crimes of the Zionist for money and self interest, as well as the crimes of the municipality. It would be impossible to file for my being placed into conservativeship without the dismissal by the state attorney. Judiciary is loyal to Erdogan's party while the municipality to the main opposition. Both parties are Zionist, in fact almost all parties in Turkey are Zionist and are Zionist NATO supporters. My most basic human rights of self-preservation, lodging, ownership and self defence before the court of law are violated by these actions. Moreover, the building manager, after 14 months, still did not present the required University Report that was required within 1 month, and we could have been under the rubble if an eartquake had happened during that period. Thats not my personal assessment thats the direct result of the official municipality report. The building management had said they made a repair after receiving the covered up report sent a second time after District Attorney dismissed my claim and filed for my placement into conservativeship. This proved that my complaint had full merit and the coverup was ongoing when I had filed the complaint. Unfortunately, per Zionist doubling down, the building management informed residents they had done a repair without asking for any permission from apartment owners, without presenting technical info or an invoice and with consultation of the municipality that had covered up the report twice before. Trustmebro type mock repair. They have still not provided the University Report needed within a month, that's 3rd cover up in 14 months and an ongoing risk for people in the building including me and my mom. This is my 3rd major struggle against unlawful rentseeking behaviour by people and companies in Turkey. In March 2010, 6 months before Occupy Wall Street, I had started a movement against the demolition of the oldest movie theater in Istanbul Turkey by Wall Street banksters and their Zionist minion companies in Turkey as well as Erdogan and his party. In all three instances including my latest struggle for my own safety and the people in the building, the guilty have not seen a day in court. I want to immigrate to any anti-imperialist country or receive political asylum if possible. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Update 24.6.2024: The court adjourned and judge sent me to the mental hospital to get a report. Talked to the psychiatrist showed her the legal documents that the case was unlawful. More info here. I am risking being incarcerated into a mental institution today (21.5.2024) even tough I am perfectly healthy. " I have checked the records, and there are no hospital records about you" had said the police officer in the presence of two other police officers and added "you look great I have no explanation as there is none given to us." That was on 18.12.2023 at 9 Am, after a police officer called me from Istanbul Kadikoy Rihtim police station for the notification of a conservativeship court case based upon the unlawful dismissal of my claims of criminal conduct about the apartment and the local Kadikoy municipality in Istanbul. Yes, because I filed a criminal complaint about local municipality and the Zionist apartment manager and apartment owners. That was a few months before the election won by the opposition, and the municipality belonged to the opposition . Almost all parties in Turkey are Zionist NATO. I have no criminal record and zero political interest in Turkey since years as I had decided to leave for good 2.5 years prior and have not read anything in Turkish or about Turkey ever since even though I live in Turkey. The only exception are articles relating to the unlawful conduct in the apartment and later at the municipality. All my complaints were strictly about building safety and of technical and legal nature but politics got in the way and justice interfered. If the the court decides so today, on the first appearance at court I will be placed into conservativeship today 21.5.2024, for my struggle against the Zionist building manager in Istanbul, Turkey. Reason? Asking for compliance with law for the safety of the building I live in. Yes only because the violations are made by a Zionist. The others in the apartment building went along for their self interest. |